Saturday, July 6, 2019

Age is honourable.🌺

Natalie, beautiful lady in her late 80’s, looking years younger and it is my sublime privilege and delight to spend some time with her every week. We pray Holy Rosary and talk for hours.

She has quite a tale of survival, Natalie’s marriage did not turn out the way she expected or hoped. She reared her large family in the midst of many sacrifices, baking bread late at night for school lunches a daily occurrence for Natalie. 

I listen with rapture as she recounts her return to Ireland, beginning again with small children in a farm deep in the country, no modern conveniences. Strong faith and superb health sustained her, good-hearted neighbours too. One lady in particular took Natalie under wing. ‘She was a real mother to me’, she fondly remembers. I ask if she would like her memories written down for posterity. Smiling sadly, Natalie replies - ’To be honest dear, sometimes it is best to forget’. Bouncing back she laughs and says, ’Laughter knocks the sting out of it’. 

What a privilege to be in this Sacred Space, soaking up wonderful wisdom from a lady who walked the walk. Most experts know one subject intensely, Natalie knows many, she is a fully fledged expert.

Much talk these days about caring for our elders and that of course is an exceedingly noble cause. Caring ABOUT our esteemed elders is even more crucial, in my humble opinion. Listening to their treasure trove of wonderful memories greatly enhances our lives. Our elderly friends, many lonely, would benefit greatly too from the camaraderie. Winning combination all around.

All stages of life are relevant, all stages of life bring their joys and sorrows, all stages of life are important. Glorifying youth and beauty has cost us a lot - our elderly have been pushed to one side, our society has silenced their voices. ‘The hopes of a lifetime can be read in the wrinkles on the faces of older men and women. That is why we should be very fond of our wrinkles. They are signs of blessing, of work, of a life that is offered, a hope that is lived. We have lost the treasure of their wisdom and so we lack role models. We get lost’. (Pope Francis)

The older fruit trees produce the best fruit, never too late to make a change. Let us act now, while we still have time.

‘The best classroom in the world, is at the feet of an elderly person’. (Andy Rooney).

Today, 17th July 2021, Natalie passed on to her Eternal reward. We were so thrilled to meet up again in Church a few weeks ago, Natalie and I. Our last time to be together as it turned out. Although Alzheimer’s was lurking, we both knew we loved each other dearly and now we are in each other’s hearts forevermore. Love never dies. Jesus tells us so and Jesus word is true. Allelulia.

‘Where the elderly are not honoured, there is no future for the young’. (Pope Francis)