Thursday, August 8, 2019

Bridie’s Prayer.🙏🏻

Bridie is almost totally blind. She can see shadows, she can sense when someone is very near. Whenever Bridie is praying her Rosary decade, I always sit directly in front of her. She is almost totally deaf too, and nowadays, dementia is entering the mix of her life. Oftentimes she gets confused and upset but as soon as our Holy Rosary begins, she immediately relaxes, happy and content. Holding her Rosary beads brings her profound peace. At the close of our Prayer time, she calls out Saint Teresa of Avila’s prayer from her deepest heart:

Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. All things are passing away. God never changes. Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God, lacks nothing. God alone is sufficient. Amen

Bridie leads, we follow. She has no idea how many of us are here with her in this cozy Day-room. She has no idea of the the difference she is making in this Sacred Space. She cannot see a staff member rushed off her feet, stopping in her tracks for a brief moment to absorb Bridie’s consoling words. As far as Bridie is concerned, she herself is totally dependent on the kindness of others, contributing nothing. Nothing could be further from the truth, how I wish I could let her know......

Bridie, a refraction of the Light of God, is radiant and beautiful as she utters words of comfort for all of us. When she utters; ‘God alone is sufficient’, we imbibe into our deepest spirits that sublime uplifting gem, coming from a beautiful lady who knows. 

One fine day God will let Bridie know the huge impact she made in the lives of so many. ‘How can that be Lord’, she will ask in utter amazement, dancing for joy, flabbergasted, over the moon. 

‘It is amazing what you can accomplish, if you do not care who gets the credit’. (Harry S. Truman).

Let nothing disturb you.....................