Sunday, July 26, 2020

Healing is all around us.πŸ’Ž

When I introduced my friend Paulina to a local man on the beach today, he replied with barely a glance to her: ‘I met her already’. He didn’t, he met some of our visiting refugees, he did not meet Paulina. They are ‘them people’ in ‘that place’ they are not individuals in many people’s eyes.

Paulina was not upset, that is how it goes, she says. It upsets me greatly but I do not despair, we can all bring about change for good in our own little way. Walking in the broad Atlantic is enough for today, healing all around us, ocean breeze puts the mind at ease. 

To see her happy fills my heart with gratitude to God. Today a joyous heart is reflected in her countenance.

‘The soul is healed by being children’. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

‘By faith, the Christian knows that we are all brothers and sisters with a common Father in Heaven, and a common call to beatitude. Thus every life has dignity and meaning because it belongs to God and is called to eternal union with God. In this knowledge, the Christian has a great gift to offer society and an obligation to work for the building of a just society at every level. The more we open ourselves through Faith for Love, the more we will be transformed by it and become a light of stability, peace and faith for the world around us’. (Opus Santorum Angelorum)

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