Sunday, September 22, 2019

Pour the oil of God’s Love over everything.🕯

Jack called very early, agitated and upset. Family member celebrated a significant birthday and Jack was not invited. He has struggled all his life with mental health issues. Once when I asked him what ‘a bad day’ felt like, he replied:  ‘Burning pain all over my brain, like my head is full of eggshells’.

I share with him my similar tale of woe. Recently, I too was ready and waiting for the invitation that never arrived. Just like Cinderella, I didn’t get an invite to the Ball and my new glittery earrings are still in their glittery box unworn.

I felt rejected and very irrelevant but slowly it dawned on me that I was indeed in very good company. Jesus, Himself, knew all about rejection when He walked this world and if my life is walking with Jesus, then the lowly path is my path. ‘Be content to be a nobody, says Jesus’. (Sr. Wendy)

Laughter is indeed the sun that drives the winter from the human face, Jack’s beautiful smile returned and order restored once more. Walking with Jesus is always the better option. 

We make the Cross lighter for Jesus by striving to make it lighter for another. When we give ourselves to others, our hands, our listening ear, our hearts, a wonderful thing happens, we are happy, fulfilled and fully free.

‘To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of Arts’.  (Henry David Thoreau).

Jesus said to Gabriel Bossis: ‘Be full of joy when you are misunderstood or overlooked because that makes you just like Me’. (He and I)

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