Saturday, September 28, 2019

We are children of the Most High God.🎶

Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will’. (A.W. Tozer)

Kitty, 93 years of age is pensive, far far away in her own secret world. A colourful shawl thrown gracefully over her shoulders, exquisite jewellery from another era, her soft grey hair pinned back in  elegant pins. Death terrifies her.  ‘But you know Jesus’ I remind her. ‘Your folks will be there, all excited to see you again’. Kitty smiling gently, whispers, ‘I must not forget that’

Most days she hears the most beautiful music and for the longest time she was certain that all others in the Day-Room could hear it too. It starts up out of the blue keeping her glorious company. ‘Did you hear it today’, I ask. ‘Yes’, she replied. ‘It was very beautiful’. Mystery is not to be understood, it can only be entered into. One is never too old to be surprised by Joy.

‘You are soaring Kitty’, I say. ‘We are all chickens for a time but we must not remain chickens, attached to the earth. We must become eagles, flying higher and higher all the time, taking to the sky rather than remaining grounded. We are summoned to life on high with God’. ‘Tell me that every day’. Kitty whispers, what a Divine assignment is mine.

‘Those who have pure souls are like eagles and swallows which fly in the air’. (Cure D’Ars)

This is our destiny and while we are down here on our journey home let us never forget that the Lord our God is living within us to sustain us, to uphold us, to inspire us, to encourage us. If ever we forget that then we are in deep spiritual trouble. I must remember who I am - a child of God destined for Glory.

‘In the measure in which we can detach ourselves from earth, poor mortals that we are, we are allowed to fly to God’. (Sr. Mary Jean).

If on lonely roadways distant music you can hear - the music must be in your heart and nothing need you fear. Up the hills and down the valleys you will swing along - marching to the secret rhythm of an inward song. 
When the way grows dreary and your dearest friends depart - you will never weary if there’s music in your heart. You will hear a note of joy beyond the rugged slope - and catch upon the bitter wind the golden voice of Hope. (Patience Strong)

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