Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gentle Giant Pat.❤️

Pat was a resident in the High Support Hostel where I worked for a time. Tall silent gent and apart from 'Thank you' whenever I served his meals, he spoke no word. Pat was well accustomed to being ignored and overlooked, he knew no warmth from staff, in fact they were wary of him. 

Pat struck out at a fellow client one time who pestered him for a cigarette yet again, and so he was deemed dangerous. He spoke no word in his own defence, he didn’t expect to be listened to and he was probably right! Pat was fragile, beautiful, and deeply hurt by uncaring unaware folk up and down the long years.

With the passage of time, Pat began to trust me, we never had any long conversations but we were happy to be in each other’s company. When the High Support Hostel closed, Pat got his very own apartment, he had carers but he lived independently. I got to witness his delightful smile for the first time ever, gentle Pat was happy and free. When I asked where his sunshine smile had been hiding all this time, he whispered: ‘I don’t know’. 

I saw him out walking with his two Carer ladies one day, ladies walking ahead chatting and laughing, Pat trailing along behind slowly, ignored as always. Carer ladies sadly missing out on a golden opportunity of a lifetime.

Last time I met Pat, I gifted him cigarette money. Pat’s gift to me - his delightful brand-new smile brighter than a thousand suns. Last words we exchanged on this earth: ‘Will you pray for me Pat’ - ‘I will’.

Pat died unexpectedly that night, God rest his gentle soul. Next day, when I heard the sad news, I wrote in my journal:  ‘Last night, Pat died suddenly, unnoticed by everyone but God. No one saw Pat leave this world, everyone saw him arrive in the next’.

Pat had the last place in this world and now he has a high place in Heaven. ‘He casts the mighty from their thrones and raises the lowly’. (Luke 1:52)

Thank you Pat for gracing me with your presence and so much more, you are forever in my heart. Because of you, I know who God is.

‘One has not lived in vain who learns to be unruffled by loss, by gain, by joy, by pain’.
 (Angelus Silesius)

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