Thursday, December 26, 2019

Judge not.☀️

Pat is recuperating in the nursing home after surgery, frail, tired, lost and alone. I invite him to our Holy Rosary, Pat has the most incredible smile.

Next day, I invite him again. This time he asks if I would please tie up his shoe laces, Pat does not possess bedroom slippers. I buy him some, he is thrilled: ‘You’re a great girl’, he says, smiling.

Pat’s family wonder why I gifted Pat bedroom slippers, he has no shortage of money they tell me. But it is not about money, it is far richer and deeper than that. To receive a gift for no reason is new to Pat.

He lives a reclusive lifestyle and will never cooperate with family members, I am told but dig deeper and as always there’s another side to the story. There are reasons why Pat is slow to trust. 

Pat is not a problem to be solved, he is a person to be loved, just as all of us are, each and every one of us!

‘Not all wounds are visible. Walk gently in the lives of others’.  (Eleanor Roosevelt)

          ‘Always have charity for where there is no charity, God is not there’. (St. John of God)

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