Saturday, December 28, 2019

New Year - 2020.

The passing of the year.

What did you do for me?  said I,
as I watched the dying year.
I would settle accounts with you, before you go from here.
You failed to bring all the things you promised at the start:
the fulfillment of my hopes, the wishes of my heart.

The Old Year opened his fading eyes
and said reproachfully,
I gave you opportunities and chances that you spurned,
many mercies undeserved and happiness unearned.

Had you only known, he said, I was a friend to you.
And as the Old Year breathed his last, I knew his words were true.....
I had been ungrateful, but it’s too late now".
I said, Forgive me, Lord and make me wiser in the year ahead.


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