Friday, January 3, 2020

Make your life, not your words, your argument.☀️

It puzzles me greatly and saddens me more watching my beautiful folk abandoned by friends, now that they need them more than any other time in their long lives. Families of Alzheimer sufferers are under so much pressure, mentally and physically with much to contend wiith.

Ella, beautiful petite dainty lady seldom speaks but her smile says it all. She is always animated and full of joy in our Sacred Space. When her son and daughter visit she dances with delight in her chair. When her son sings and plays guitar in our Holy huddle, Ella gazes on him, smiling broadly, saying without words - ‘That’s my boy’. He brings his Mom sweets every time - three maltesers.

Ella’s daughter is so caring of her pretty glamorous Mom, so much love between them, unspoken agape love, the highest Love of all. It would be such a great help if Ella’s friends had continued being ‘friends’. Her loving family could take a break sometimes, a burden would be shared, a load lightened

There can be no greater task for us, than to be at the service of the Divine plan. Everything God gives us, He gives with someone else in mind, our gifts are not just for ourselves alone, our gifts are for sharing. If we each did one small thing, they would all mount up to a big thing and we would make such a difference in someone’s life in the process. There is no higher calling, in my humble opinion.

‘Paul exhorts the Philippians that they should do all that has to be done and not complain about it. If you are kind and harm no one, you will live a life without bitterness. You will live as God’s children in the simplicity and joy of your good actions’. (Hildegard of Bingen)
‘Time wastes us our bodies and our wits - And we waste time: so Time and us are quits’.
(From an old sundial)


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