Friday, January 10, 2020

Eyes that have cried, see the clearest.💎

‘They also serve who only stand and wait’. (John Milton/‘On his blindness’)

Johnny is very upset, his Mom cries a lot. Deep in Alzheimer’s, Claire has many imagined worries and fears. Johnny thought if they prayed a decade of the Rosary, his Mom might find peace. He was amazed and delighted with the difference it made. He wonders why God is so slow about taking his Mom home, his beautiful Mom has no quality of life now. I say, that for now, we can but see the back of the tapestry, one day it will all make perfect sense.

Johnny will be wiser when he comes through this painful time. Mystery can only be entered into, never understood. Successful business man, decade of the Rosary would not normally figure on his ‘to do’  list but now the only thing his Mom knows is Prayer. Johnny is happy to have found a cure for Claire, he may well be about to find out that the cure is for himself too.

Sister Wendy said - ‘Not to pray, is a reluctance to live life to the full. It is the choice of a small warm, selfish life. It would be like Rembrandt refusing to paint because he could live on his wife’s money’.

Our elderly have a profoundly important function but rarely is it ever recognized. They are our teachers, families and carers learn patience, kindness, tenderness, and so much more. School of life, best university of all. Kind staff get kinder, unkind staff get kind. Kindness like snow beautifies everything it covers.

God knows what He’s about, His timing perfect. When Claire’s work here on earth is accomplished, when her basket is full, God will gently come for her to be with Him forever. 

My life is but a weaving between my God and me. I may but choose the colours, He worketh skilfully.
But oft He chooses sorrow, and I in foolish pride, forgets He sees the upper and I the underside.

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