Friday, January 24, 2020

‘Those who trust us, educate us. (George Eliot)☀️

Marina was blind, her cataracts at an advanced stage of development. In her time of blindness, she needed every day apart from her meals and other personal care, peeled orange, bottle of water and strepsil throat lozenger. Marina’s needs are super simple.

On the day of surgery, I accompanied Marina to the hospital. After surgery she fell fast asleep and I happily returned to my hotel. However, after some time, I felt uneasy and decided to visit with her again. This time I found Marina in deep sorrow, pointing to the ceiling, talking and crying inaudibly.  Dear beautiful Marina, locked in her own sorrowful world unable to verbalise her chronic pain and discomfort.

Nurse on duty saw only a mentally frail lady with weird mannerisms and therefore could not possibly have understood the situation. Thank you Holy Spirit from my deepest heart for prompting me to return, Marina received pain relief and before I took my leave she was sleeping soundly. 

Following morning, bandages off and Marina could see again Thank God. She thanked Docter for restoring her sight, but Docter was keenly aware that he received much more than he could ever give. The deepest desire of our heart is to be seen, known and loved and Docter was seen, known and loved by God that day, through the gentle eyes of Marina. Unforgettable moment in time for all of us.

On our journey to hospital Marina sat silently but journey home completely different affair. She gazed out the window smiling all the while. 

Marina could see clearly now and we who had spent valuable time with her could see a little clearer too.

‘Real goodness is always simple. Simplicity is so attractive and profitable. It is strange that so few people are really simple’. (Leo Tolstoy).

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