Monday, August 29, 2022

Time out☀️

‘If you keep your heart steady at it’s centre, loving and choosing God’s will whatever it may be, and then in the little details of life that are counted by the thousands, set your own will aside and try to do it as if you liked it, that will be a great victory and a perfect preparation for anything that God may have in store for you later on’. (Companionship with Christ)

Housebound for now, my poor well worn ankle has some torn ligaments. Last week I had the awesome privilege of reading at Holy Mass being celebrated for Eric (husband) and parents in charming unadorned Filemore Church of my childhood years. That sacred sacrosanct space fills me with joy every time I walk through the doors. Magnificent memories of attending Holy Mass with gentle humble parents and siblings sweeping through me enveloping every fibre of my being.

Leaving Church, delightfully distracted, momentarily forgetting I stood on a step, thus wrenching my ankle horrifically. Some days later, impatiently, I decided to hobble to Holy Mass on my walking stick, yearning with all my heart to receive Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist. When I eventually returned back home again, my aching ankle in profoundly pathetic state.

I don’t know if Holy Spirit prompted me to attend Holy Mass or if perhaps He worked my folly for good (most likely the latter!) but either way two wonderful events would not have occurred had I remained home that day. Remarkable encounters that remain in my heart for always.

That being said, now is time to relax, accept God’s will for my life and recover. 

When God’s will is my will and my will is God’s will - then I am safe.

‘Many are the plans in the mind of man but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established’.                 (Proverbs 19:21)

‘If you want faith, pray. If you want hope, pray. If you want kindness, pray. If you want poverty, pray. If you want obedience, pray. If you want integrity, pray. If you want humility, pray. If you want gentleness, pray. If you want strength, pray. If you want any virtue, pray. (Angela of Foligno)

Monday, August 22, 2022


‘To love more, pray more. Love every minute, with every step that you take. Love....sleeping or waking, eating or working. Love. For only by loving God as He should be loved will we bring peace to the world’. (Catherine Doherty)



                                                                    Nan in Kells☀️πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


           ‘Give me the heart of a child and the awesome courage to live it out’. (Catherine Doherty)

Monday, August 15, 2022

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.🌸

‘Mary who was assumed into Heaven and has a glorified body, still has hands that show she was just a working woman....She is all things to all of us because she is the mother of mankind. How can you not go to her? She has the secret of everything, now that she is where she is. 
(Catherine Doherty)

Young couple who joined me for 3pm live-streamed Holy Rosary in our Church today remained until the very end. Chatting with them afterwards I learned that Alan and Erin are staying in our town for one night only and are part of a group planning to go on pilgrimage to Medugorje in October please God.

Pilgrimage Spiritual Director will be Fr. Bernardino, Franciscan Friar of the Renewal who resides in Moyross, Co. Limerick and he would be arriving here in our Church any minute now to join Alan and Erin. It is no secret how much I admire and appreciate the Franciscans of the Renewal and so when he walked in the door I could have danced for sheer joy. Gentle Fr. Bernardino imparted to me his beautiful priestly Blessing and ever since that precious moment in time my feet have not touched the ground.

As if that was not more than enough for one day, then gracious folk (whom I had never laid eyes on before today) asked if I would like to join them on pilgrimage to Medugorje next October God willing.😳 Thing is, last evening I felt deep in my heart that Mother Mary might well be inviting me to Medugorje and I even told Killian! (I’m glad now that I did!)

We never decide of our own volition to go on pilgrimage to Medugorje, this I know from past experience! Mother Mary invites us every time and somehow in her own sweet way, she brings it to fruition. Always and ever for the supreme Glory of God.

Today is the sublime Feast day of the Assumption of our Blessed Mother Mary to Heaven. 

Dearest Mother Mary, be with us on our way. For all your ways are beautiful and all your paths are peace. Amen.

‘Everything I have learned about beauty in its simplicity and magnificence , I learned from the Blessed Virgin Mary’. (J.R.R. Tolkien)

(I know now that dear Mother Mary invited me to Medjurjie in October to receive strength necessary to bear the cross of my dear Katy’s passing in December. I know that now for sure.❤️πŸ™πŸ»

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Splendour in the Ordinary.πŸŽ†

‘Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart’. (Psalm 37:4)


                                           Fish and chips in Puck Fair on our way home. 🐐πŸ₯³πŸŽΆ

                                                         Email to Radio Kerry πŸŽΆπŸ•ŠπŸŒΏπŸ˜€πŸŒΈ

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Nothing new under the sun🎢☀️

‘What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, “Look”. (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

When we were children many many years ago, one of our greatest delights was ice cream cones in Nora Mahoney’s ice cream parlour in our town. What was seldom was wonderful !! Excited and thrilled at the prospect for weeks beforehand. 

Today girls excited and thrilled discussing which flavour ice creams they might choose when we would eventually arrive at McCarthy’s shop. How comforting it is to realise in this our day and time that there is nothing new under the sun☀️

‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven’. (Matthew 18:3)