Tuesday, September 20, 2022


‘Each day and every minute of every day is given to us by God. We, for our part, can accept and offer back to God every prayer, work and suffering of the day, no matter how insignificant or unspectacular they may seem to us’. (Father Walter Ciszek)

We strolled across the road to Mr. Price today, first outing for dear Marina in the longest time. As I pushed her wheelchair up the hill I thanked her for trusting that we would arrive at our destination safe and sound. ‘I trust you always. I love you. You are like my second mother’, Marina replied, happy and content like I had not witnessed in a long while.😀

Beautiful words spoken in truth from dear Marina’s big beautiful heart to mine.❤️ Upsurge of gratitude sweeping through my whole being warming my heart and soul. 

Nothing is small in the service of God.

‘The human heart must be grasped by God’s Love because nothing of human making can ever satisfy it’. (St. Bonaventure)

‘If you have understood the romance and immensity of “little things”, then you will restore the world to Christ. You will be an adventuresome, joyous, glad, simple, and humble light by doing little things. They will become big because they are touched by God and done for Him’. (Catherine Doherty)

15th June 2023.❤️

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