Thursday, September 22, 2022

To be the Face of God to others🌸

                        ‘Be hidden - be a light to your neighbour’s feet’. (Catherine Doherty)

Lady walking her dog as I hurried to Holy Mass loved the scent of my Estée Lauder ‘Youth dew’ perfume (‘old lady’s’ perfume according to my younger friend Jemma 😂), there ensued wonderful prayer-sharing moment in time. Late for Holy Mass but no doubt whatever in my heart that our heartwarming encounter ordained from on-High.

In Church, walking up to receive Holy Eucharist, Michael (who knows suffering only too well) was walking back down having received Holy Eucharist. He raised his hand to greet me but it really could have been a blessing. Sacred moment☀️

Distraught lady who had misplaced something precious, frantically going around in circles trying to find it. We prayed ‘Hail Mary’ together and miraculously, she relaxed completely and was able to move forward calmly. ‘Power of Prayer’, she uttered gratefully. I hope she finds what she is looking for.🙏🏻

Dejected Lady in pharmacy beleaguered by brutal grief since her dear husband died a year ago. I didn’t recognise her for a moment, she inhabits a grey world for now. Accepting my prayer, she read it silently before uttering: ‘Perfect’. ‘You will feel better one day, you really will’, I told her. She nodded, accepting my prognosis - she is aware that I have walked that rocky road of grief myself, kicking and screaming on all-fours. Today she sees me upright only through the glorious Grace of God.

Lady waiting to begin her cancer treatment as in disbelief she wonders aloud if this is really happening or could it possibly be a devastating dream. We talked about the cozy comfort our Holy Rosary affords us and I shared with her that I know and believe without question or doubt that each time we hold our Rosary beads we are in fact touching the hem of Jesus garment. Smiling broadly she simply said: ‘Thank you Bridget’.

I have been the beneficiary of much lovingkindness in my life, I have been lifted up and carried countless times by caring selfless folk. If I can do likewise during my time here on earth, bring love to those around me, pass on what I have learned from wonderful Holy Spirit, then my living will not be in vain. 

To be the Hands and Feet of Christ my one and only desire. Live in mission aligned with the mission of Christ. Jesus! All for Jesus!

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’. (Matthew 25:40)

Relaxing in the park this evening, joyful little kitten keeping me company in the sunshine. I hope he returned home to his own cozy corner safe and sound. 🐈☀️

‘With prayer, one can go on cheerfully and even happily, while without prayer, how grim is the journey. Prayer is as necessary to life as breathing. It is drink and food’. (Doris Day/The way of reckless love’

‘Know that you are baptised for this: to bring peace, harmony, love, faith, and hope to people, to those the Lord will allow you to meet throughout your life’. (Catherine Doherty)

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