Wednesday, May 1, 2024

All that stuff!!☀️🙏🏻

Somehow we found ourselves walking together in the rain, young frail guy and me, talking mostly about the weather! Yes it rains a lot in these parts but both of us like the rain. ‘Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet’,  Bob Marley once declared. I turned to go into Church, he about to walk on and Holy Spirit prompt; ‘I have a lovely morning prayer, would you like one’. To my utter surprise he replied: ‘Why not’.

We had never before spoken, never even met until this morning. Turns out frail young man is wading through crushing anxiety right now and has had to leave the job he enjoyed so much. He went on to tell me that his Dad was an abusive alcoholic who wreaked havoc on both his Mom and himself. ‘Alcohol should be banned’, he said sadly. Yes indeed, I bet whoever invented the stuff wishes now that they didn’t!

I told him that four years ago having been extremely ill in hospital, I awoke one morning with the following wisdom from wonderful Holy Spirit on my lips: ‘I am rebuilding you. This is your rest time. My gift to you. Accept and enjoy’. (Four years later I can truly declare that Wonderful Holy Spirit’s words are totally true!)
‘I needed to hear that’, young frail guy replied, smiling now. ‘Don’t worry about anything today’, I suggested. ‘I won’t and you don’t worry today either’, he replied.

I needed to hear that too!!

‘If we wish to make any progress in the service of God, we must begin every day of our life with new eagerness’. (St. Charles Borromeo)

I asked my granddaughter Aoife how come I get to do a reading at her Confirmation Holy Mass. Her sweet reply: ‘I told my teacher that my Nan is Holy and into all that stuff’. Allelulia.
After Holy Mass Aoife whispered to me:’Give my teacher one of your prayers Nan’. Holy Spirit prompt. My joy☀️🙏🏻
Bishop Crean, our Parish Priest once upon a time. 

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us.☀️🙏🏻

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