Thursday, April 25, 2024

Everyone is looking for You, Jesus☀️πŸ™πŸ»

Jesus is the joy of every heart.
Guy sat alone in pew as I set up Holy Alter for Holy Mass this morning. When I offered him my powerful prayer he told me that he would share it with his wife who is right now waiting in their car feeling quite poorly. ‘Please take another one for her’, I suggested. He was so happy and super shocked at the same time. ‘I’m a grandmother who shares prayers. Strange concept in these times’, I said. His reply: ‘And it shouldn’t be!’. Poor man needed badly a helping hand and wonderful Holy Spirit saved the day as only He can do. 

American Priest, Deacon and their happy group, celebrated Holy Mass in Church this afternoon. Third Holy Mass with visiting groups from America in less than one week. I thoroughly enjoyed being Sacristan every time, joyful prayerful occasions all three of them. Today’s Priest told me that their own Cathedral in America looks quite grand on the outside but unlike ours, needs lots of work done inside. ‘Don’t we all!!’, I added. Homily fodder right there!!

I gifted a powerful prayer for each member to respective group leaders. Many powerful prayers got shared. All glory to God. (Today’s leader exclaimed; ‘They are laminated!!)

When my prayer-sharing mission began some years ago I had no idea how it would bloom but Father God did!!

3pm Live-streamed Holy Rosary and two ladies of another Faith sat on pew nearest Holy Alter. Sometimes they discussed, other times they sat in silence gazing on Holy Cross of Christ. Not in the least disruptive, I prayed Holy Rosary with my friends online, while enjoying their company all at the same time. 

Hard to articulate how beautiful is life within the walls of our Church every single day. Unforgettable Holy Spirit guided encounters, far too numerous to mention. I do not go in search of the world anymore but it seems to me that the world is coming more and more to this place as I go about my day under the omniscient gaze of beautiful Jesus, our Lord, Saviour and elder brother, in Holy Tabernacle.

Reminding me of what an elderly lady told my Dad one day when I was a little girl: ‘One day Eddy, it will all fit into a barnacle’. I had no idea what she meant back then but I really do now!

‘When they found Jesus, they exclaimed: ‘Everyone is looking for You’. (Mark 1:37)
‘How wonderful it is to be who we are, without masks, without fears, without compromises, without lies. Let’s learn to open our hearts to Jesus, even if sometimes we feel tired and wounded, to free ourselves from the weight of our sin through the only medicine able to heal the deepest wounds of our lives: the Eucharist.
Only by shaping our actions on the word of Jesus and nourishing ourselves with Him will we find that peace and joy that we need so much’. (Mother Elvira Petrozzi)


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