Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sunshine in my heart☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘What doe the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God’. (Micah 6:8)
‘I pray your prayer every morning ‘, she told me as she hurried past. I caught up with her, yearning to hear her speak. I knew she would be interesting! Quaintly dressed, little boots that stood out (no pun intended). To the unseeing eye just another ordinary middle-aged lady but oh she was so much more than that. We talked about God and prayer and her painful head. I shared my flowers with her, fresh from our Legion of Mary alter. (Legion of Mary meeting in Church every Thursday morning before Holy Mass). ‘You console me’, she said and looking deeply into my soul, uttered; ‘You’ll get to Heaven no bother, there is no sin in you’. Wow! What a gift to my heart!

Little further on, Postman accepted my prayer. He may have needed a prayer I think. Smiling surprised he told me; ‘Thank you. This is no load to me right now’. 

Later, on my way to St. Anne’s Holy Rosary, elderly gentleman shuffling across zebra crossing leaning heavily on his walking stick. Recognising him I thanked him for providing much needed employment through  the years to countless folk in our town. ‘Now I have a gift for you’, I told him, handing him my prayer. For the longest time I will remember fondly his warm smile on hearing my words: ‘When you pray this prayer every morning, all of Heaven will be minding you and your family’. 

‘You give me this’, he uttered, holding up my powerful prayer. Affluent generous gentleman, involved with many thriving business ventures and yet, in that brief moment, on the edge of zebra crossing, (zebra crossing! whole bunch of theology in that) he knew without question or doubt, that he had lovingly received something priceless, more precious than gold.

Three unforgettable encounters. Divine appointments. Holy moments.

‘Keep the joy of loving God in your heart and share this joy with all you meet, especially your family. Be holy’. (St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Beautiful invitation this evening! My dear granddaughter Aoife asks if I would like to do a reading at her Confirmation Holy Mass. What an honour and delight.
Some years ago when Aoife was receiving her first Holy Communion, she told me; ‘Nan, every time I say a prayer, every time I pass a Church, I think of you. That’s the kind of Nan you are’. Wow! What a gift to my heart!

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