Wednesday, April 10, 2024

‘Viva Cristo Rey’. (Miguel Pro SJ)☀️πŸ™πŸ»

She paused in her mad hurry, seeking directions to the Intreo Office. Little elderly Ukrainian lady out of her depth, many miles from her harried homeland. Copious forms to fill out, no word of English emanating from her anxious mouth. As we walked I offered her my prayer. Because she was confused I pointed to the Cross of Jesus around my neck. ‘Islam’, she replied with utter conviction;‘No Christo!’. 

Walking on, we soon arrived at her destination and full of gratitude she hugged me warmly. Sheer magnitude of it all moving both of us to tears. Poor dear lady. 

In Church I went directly to that beautiful Divine Mercy image and tearfully uttered: ‘Imagine this weary world with no Christo’.

Myriad displaced devastated folk in our town right now (oftentimes in tears) and yet, alongside all of that, countless amazing miracles. Overwhelming need and yet ‘Blanketiers’ (Our Volunteer WhatsApp group) coming up with the goods every time. John, out of the goodness of his own heart, ensuring anyone who needs a Holy Bible gets one and that’s pretty much everyone. Most definitely, God is doing a new thing in our town.

All of us deeply privileged to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, our elder brother. We measure our Holiness on how well we imitate Jesus.

‘Following Jesus means nothing other than reproducing His virtues in ourselves, in order to do all things well. It is trying to assume His imprint on our bodies and our souls that we might be entirely transformed into Him’. (Blessed Conchita)

‘If only we would go out, calling upon Jesus power, His Grace, His authority and His word and leaving ourselves out of the picture, we too could do wonders for Him’. (Frances Hogan)

Many young folk joyfully accepting my powerful prayer. Amazing encounters almost every single day. Unforgettable young couple from Sweeden who offered money (Irish Granny freely sharing powerful prayer, super strange concept!) and then were further moved when I asked if they would like me to take a photo of them in our Church. They could not stop smiling as they posed in front of Jesus statue. Definitely they were not expecting that!! Conversation starter for sure when they return home.
Joy: Jesus first. Others next. Yourself last.
‘If we have given ourselves to Jesus Christ, we can give Him to others who are in quest of God, the sea of people who move from one place to another seeking not knowing what they seek. People who hunger for Him today but are confused by a thousand voices….We can give them Jesus Christ if we are in love with Him, the Christ who is in our midst’. (Catherine Doherty)

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