Tuesday, February 25, 2020

‘Draw yourself nearer and come to Him’.

Ash Wednesday. I awaken just before my 6AM alarm, the words: ‘Draw yourself nearer and come to Him’, on my heart and lips. Hour of prayer more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. Little birds awake too, singing outside my window, adoring and thanking God

Thankyou beautiful Mother Mary, You called me gently to your Son Jesus, on my first Lenten morning: ‘Draw yourself nearer, and come to Jesus’.

Hail Mary, full of a Grace, The Lord is with thee. 
Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Homeless in Dublin.

‘In every passerby, everywhere - Christ. He is in everyone. There can be no outcasts’.                              (Caryll Houselander)

Dublin bustling, Friday feeling heavy in the air. Contrastingly - Leon from Derry - Paul from Bray - Joanna from Galway - Emma from Dublin - Niall from Cork - Rebecca from The United States - Levi from Wales -  Gentle silent guy in Church.

Homeless in Dublin, each one crouched alone in a cold cement place, exiled to the fringes. Faceless, nameless, lost in plain sight. I expect a cold handshake but ‘icy’ more like. They share their stories and sorrows, I share my story, Rosary beads, Miraculous Medals and widow’s mite. Interchange extraordinaire.😀

‘May intolerance and exclusion never have a place in our hearts, in our words, in our institutions, in our classrooms’. (Pope Francis)
That evening we enjoy hilarious play in the Olympia. Pre-Covid, we were free to do it all. Thankyou  Father God for our wonderful day around Dublin, Rurs and me. Beautiful meaningful encounters with our homeless brothers and sisters that will remain forever in my deepest ❤️. Today, 16th July 2021, in my retrospective gaze, it seems unbelievable, like a fabulous fantasy, like I dreamed it all up.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

The enduring power of Kindness.☀️

‘In the company of Saints we become Saints’. (St. Teresa of Avila)
Rosie could not be without a companion as she reclined in her cozy chair very early this morning. My priceless privilege to be in that Sacred oasis of silence and solitude, Rosie dozing peacefully, I praying softly from my little prayer book. 

Suddenly, a knock to our door broke the silence. Marina, her gentle face beaming, handed me an orange, then turning on her heel, continued on her merry way. ‘The gentle mind by gentle deeds is known’. (Edmund Spenser)

Flawless timing, I was beginning to wilt. Beautiful Marina on her walking aid ambled along the lengthy corridor just to do something nice for me. Not easy for her too, she rarely walks that far. Marina’s sublime act of kindness is tucked safely in my heart for all eternity.

                        ‘In the evening of life we shall be judged on Love’. (St. John of the Cross)

‘I often wonder where she is, when she has dropped asleep (Rosie). I ask her when she wakes, but she replies, “Just counting sheep”. But from her smile I know she’s been a long, long way from me - plucking secret roses in the lanes of memory’. (Patience Strong)

Thursday, February 13, 2020

God’s amazing Grace.☀️

Peter awoke as we were assembling for Holy Rosary. Dispirited and gloomy, he wanted no hand act or part in the proceedings. Peter’s narrative is a harrowing one, he and his wife suffered a terrible tragedy many years ago. He threw himself into his work and got on with his life, his wife likewise. Suffering that is not transformed is transmitted, the terrible grief they carry with them is all inside. ‘When we cling to pain, we end up punishing ourselves’. (L. Buscaglia)

Next day, Peter smiles broadly as I enter the cozy Dayroom. ‘You’re here again’, he exclaims, several layers lighter, his kindly face at ease. His whole demeanour welcoming and warm. I am catapulted back to a time on our farm with my beloved Dad. I am standing on the frozen pool, ice shattering beneath my wellies, water seeping out slowly through the cracks as the pool reposes. Here, in this Sacred Space, right before my eyes, ice is cracking too as the Gladsome Light of Christ breaks in on Peter’s frozen heart. God’s amazing Grace.  

Prayer, laughter and song evoke the best every time. A priceless winning combination full of healing and wholeness. What a privilege is mine to be part of something so exquisite, so poignant. To be a cheerleader and not just a spectator, to win the trust of another. 

Every time is like the first time, every time I am filled with the same old astonishment, every time I am altogether humbled and deeply grateful to God.

‘I have never met a soul who set out to satisfy The Lord, who has not been satisfied himself. To have God do His own work through us, even once, is better than a lifetime of human striving’. (Watchman Nee)

Monday, February 10, 2020

Abortion is a Grave evil.🙏🏻

‘Rescue those who are being taken away to death’. (Proverbs 24:11)
Virgin of Guadalupe, Patroness of unborn children, we implore your intercession for every child at risk of abortion. Amen.

Abortion is far beyond my comprehension, to murder a tiny baby in the womb horror of horrors, grave evil. A child in the womb is its own nervous center, self-existing, self acting, with intrinsic worth and value. The embryo is not a potential human being, the embryo is a human being with potential. 

The moment of coming into the world is not at birth, it is the moment of conception. Every single one of us has ultimate value in God’s eyes, that is Truth immutable.

My heart goes out to the many people who regret their abortion decision. Our God is a merciful forgiving God, He understands our frail human nature, He knows everyone’s tale of woe. Many are afraid and sure that God will not forgive and heal them but that is a big lie. When we give God permission to heal and forgive us, He swings open the doors of our hearts, His Mercy gushes in and it is so very powerful, God’s Mercy is everlasting. ‘Father God, I give you permission to heal me. Amen’.

That grim morning I learned that abortion is permitted here in Ireland, I was beside myself with grief. In my deep agony, beautiful Holy Spirit spoke these words into my broken heart; ‘God has and always will have the final word. Please go on doing what you are asked to do on earth, if you do not carry out your special task, freshly minted from God’s Holy Hands especially for you, then your task will not get done’. Thank you dear Holy Spirit, You have the words of Eternal Life.

I walked to St. Anne’s nursing home with the heaviest of hearts, totally consumed with the horrific news - Abortion is legal in Ireland. Adding insult to injury, in Dublin Castle, scenes of jubilant exhilaration, as noisy multitudes sang and danced on a large stage celebrating the slaughter of the innocent. Culture of death, night had descended on our fair land.  

My beautiful folk in St. Anne’s happy to see me, I thrilled to see them. We prayed Holy Rosary, we sang hymns. Sean, partially sighted, declared: ‘Tis terrible altogether’ with the wisdom and feelings of his long years on earth, granting me deep comfort in that lightbulb moment. I knew then, without a scintilla of a doubt that God’s ultimate purpose for goodness will reign supreme, the dignity of Human Life is non-negotiable.

Though bewildered and tempest tossed, we can have complete confidence because we serve a ‘Faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He’. (Deuteronomy)

Walking home, still downcast but not without Hope. God sees all, God knows all. My one task - do whatever God is asking of me right here right now. His Love and Grace enough - more than enough. ‘Do whatever Jesus tells you’ - words Mary spoke to the Apostles at The Wedding Feast of Cana. Today, right here, right now, Mother Mary is speaking those selfsame words to me too. ‘Do whatever He tells you’. (John 2:5)

‘Abortion is not the lesser of two evils. It is a crime. It is to throw someone out in order to save another. That’s what the Mafia does. It is a crime, an absolute evil’. (Pope Francis)

The Knights of Columbus asks us to pray one Hail Mary for unborn children every time we see a rose. 🌹 

2021 - When I see our politicians today, run ragged, threadbare, doing everything in their power to keep our country afloat in the midst of raging Corona pandemic.........How things have changed since that cataclysmic day of celebration. (Dublin Castle, May 2018)

‘Abortion is never a solution. When speaking of a pregnant mother, we are talking about two lives; both should be preserved and respected because Life is an absolute value’. ( Pope Frances)

‘If you say there’s too many children, it’s like saying there’s too many flowers’. (St. Mother Teresa)


Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ask Jesus.🙏🏻

I asked Holy Spirit the moment I awoke, if He would put me in touch with a Holy Priest, I had a query. I got a very succinct reply, ‘Ask Me’. I laughed with delight and said - ‘Yes Lord, they do not come any Holier than you’.

After Holy Mass a lady approached me. ‘Could I put her in touch with a Holy Priest’. There are those who would call this a coincidence, I call it a God-incidence. I shared with her Holy Spirit beautiful Wisdom - ‘Ask Jesus’.

Back home again, I open my Holy Bible. Mark 4:34 stands out in the most glorious way. I read it many times before, but this morning the words are in bold bright capitals shining brightly in my deepest heart.

‘Jesus spoke in parables to many, but privately to His own disciples, He explained everything’.
 (Mark 4:34)

Ask Jesus. He will explain everything.🌠

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Treasure, our old lady cat, took her leave of us today. We are crestfallen.

Companion and minder, hugely valued member of our family. When we moved into our compact cozy cottage eighteen years ago, Treasure moved in too. We have never known life in Kerry without her.

Treasure made little fuss in her living, likewise her dying. She simply fell fast sleep on her favourite Killian (Arsenal) rug, surrendering her life. The only pain she ever caused us is the deep pain in our hearts now but to know she is free of all suffering, renders our pain bearable.

Thank you Treasure for your many gifts to us, we sure are richer by far for knowing you. 

‘What greater gift than the love of a cat’. (Charles Dickens)
                                                  Treasure loved Killian with all her feline ❤️.🐈