Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ask Jesus.🙏🏻

I asked Holy Spirit the moment I awoke, if He would put me in touch with a Holy Priest, I had a query. I got a very succinct reply, ‘Ask Me’. I laughed with delight and said - ‘Yes Lord, they do not come any Holier than you’.

After Holy Mass a lady approached me. ‘Could I put her in touch with a Holy Priest’. There are those who would call this a coincidence, I call it a God-incidence. I shared with her Holy Spirit beautiful Wisdom - ‘Ask Jesus’.

Back home again, I open my Holy Bible. Mark 4:34 stands out in the most glorious way. I read it many times before, but this morning the words are in bold bright capitals shining brightly in my deepest heart.

‘Jesus spoke in parables to many, but privately to His own disciples, He explained everything’.
 (Mark 4:34)

Ask Jesus. He will explain everything.🌠

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