Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Treasure, our old lady cat, took her leave of us today. We are crestfallen.

Companion and minder, hugely valued member of our family. When we moved into our compact cozy cottage eighteen years ago, Treasure moved in too. We have never known life in Kerry without her.

Treasure made little fuss in her living, likewise her dying. She simply fell fast sleep on her favourite Killian (Arsenal) rug, surrendering her life. The only pain she ever caused us is the deep pain in our hearts now but to know she is free of all suffering, renders our pain bearable.

Thank you Treasure for your many gifts to us, we sure are richer by far for knowing you. 

‘What greater gift than the love of a cat’. (Charles Dickens)
                                                  Treasure loved Killian with all her feline ❤️.🐈 

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