Sunday, February 16, 2020

The enduring power of Kindness.☀️

‘In the company of Saints we become Saints’. (St. Teresa of Avila)
Rosie could not be without a companion as she reclined in her cozy chair very early this morning. My priceless privilege to be in that Sacred oasis of silence and solitude, Rosie dozing peacefully, I praying softly from my little prayer book. 

Suddenly, a knock to our door broke the silence. Marina, her gentle face beaming, handed me an orange, then turning on her heel, continued on her merry way. ‘The gentle mind by gentle deeds is known’. (Edmund Spenser)

Flawless timing, I was beginning to wilt. Beautiful Marina on her walking aid ambled along the lengthy corridor just to do something nice for me. Not easy for her too, she rarely walks that far. Marina’s sublime act of kindness is tucked safely in my heart for all eternity.

                        ‘In the evening of life we shall be judged on Love’. (St. John of the Cross)

‘I often wonder where she is, when she has dropped asleep (Rosie). I ask her when she wakes, but she replies, “Just counting sheep”. But from her smile I know she’s been a long, long way from me - plucking secret roses in the lanes of memory’. (Patience Strong)

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