Sunday, August 2, 2020

Muck or diamonds.πŸ’Ž

Strolling home from Holy Mass, Diarmuid and I, happy and content. Through the years it would have been easier had I tweaked my faith life to fit in with theirs, many terse moments would have been avoided, but at what cost. To have the foundation, irrespective of how they use it, is worth it’s weight in gold, everybody will come to that realization sooner or later.

Standing firm and gentle was indeed short term sacrifice for long term gain. It was a never a ‘Tall Order’ to attend Sunday Holy Mass, in our home. I would tell them that if I had a good friend who always visited my home but I never bothered to visit my friend’s home, would that not be very ill mannered and disrespectful. Likewise, not visiting God in His Church for Holy Mass once a week is disrespectful too since we call on Him always, He is forever visiting with us. 

Phases and fads pass in the twinkling of an eye, in the end only substance remains. Know God - Know Peace. No God - No Peace.

The sermon Father Larry preached was so fitting. An excerpt:
‘Life makes no sense and is unbearable without God. A close relationship with God is a real treasure. It gives us a sense of who we are and where we are going. The lesson for each of us today is that no matter how difficult life is for us right now, with Divine help we can face each day with optimism

 I love sharing a prayer with any young person I meet. When I complimented a young man recently on accepting my prayer, he replied genuinely: ‘That’s because we need it’. 

Young people will take whatever we offer them - muck or diamonds, let’s give them diamonds.

‘I met Jesus, and I desire so much that each of you can meet Him too’.
(Mother Elvira, Cenacolo Community)

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