Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The life of a Refugee.⏰

‘The school of Christ is the school of Love. In the last day, when the general examination takes place....Love will be the whole syllabus’. (St. Robert Bellarmine)

We meet outside the corner shop for our final ice cream, Paulina is leaving our town tomorrow, she is going to Cork city. Her letter arrived two days ago letting her know time has come to move on. 

Wearing our pretty dresses for our final Cahersiveen photograph, the sun shone down on us as we tried hard not to weep. If things were different, if people were kinder, if  ‘visitor’ was used instead of ‘refugee’, if all God’s children were treated equally.

Jesus constantly made the point that we must welcome the stranger, have time for the marginalised and show acceptance towards those who differ from us in race and religion but things are the way they are and we accept. With acceptance comes peace and hope. 

We are grateful to God for our wonderful friendship not dependent on time and place, dynamic collaboration. We each have our own journey to travel in this wonderful world. We will go on making our contributions as The Lord leads us, we surrender to what is - but we are forlorn😢😢

We are grateful to God too for bringing us safely through many hardships in our lives thus far. We believe without a shadow of a doubt that Father God knows what He is about, we have oodles of evidence.

What a Blessing is writing. Now my heart is lighter, my hope stronger.

‘The seed will decay if it is hoarded up. It will bear fruit if it is sewn’. (St. Dominick)

‘How can I recognise if the roots of love have taken hold of me? If I am concerned, not about myself but about everyone else’. (Catherine Doherty/Madonna House)

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