Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Waiting in the darkness, Ruairi Killian and I. The night sky glorious, packed to overflowing with bright twinkling stars. Meteor showers on the way...

No need to leave our own place and queue for hours in an airport to go to another place. Everything we need to be happy is right here, right now. In these tumultuous times, we are realising more and more, how blessed we are. 

How right you were Dorothy when you gushed: ‘There is no place like home’. Emily Dickinson too when you penned: ‘Home is the definition of God’.

Corona, you have put a stop to our mighty gallop. You are not a welcome guest in our world but you are teaching us many valuable lessons. Would that we did not have to learn the hard way.

‘Short cuts make long delays’. (J.R.R. Tolkien)

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