Saturday, September 5, 2020

Be not afraid.πŸ™πŸ»

The devotion to the Eucharist is the most noble, because it has God as it’s object; it is the most profitable for salvation because it gives us the author of Grace; it is the sweetest, because the Lord is Sweetness itself’. (St. Plus X)
I just heard Fr. Leo Clifford say on EWTN  - ‘People don’t need to be instructed so much as to be reminded’. Wonderful words resonating in my deepest heart.

We are privileged, in spite of Corona, to be able to participate in Holy Mass again, after a hiatus of three months, I am ecstatic receiving Jesus again, He is my strength for the journey, my comfort, my peace. When I wonder sometimes how long more Holy Mass will continue in these turbulent times. I remind myself that right now is all we have, right now we are experiencing a little piece of Heaven every morning, heightened sense of Spiritual Delight.

If we really believe without question or doubt, that Jesus Christ is truly present on our Alters, how can we say, in all honesty, that watching Holy Mass on our iPads will suffice? How can we stay home and miss the chance of a lifetime?

‘Seek The Lord while He is still here. Call on Him while He is still near’. (Isaiah 55:6)

Yes, many people are fearful but I can say, without the tiniest scintilla of a doubt, I feel extremely safe in our Church. We wear masks, hand sanitizer is readily available. Readers bring their own missals or magnificats, social distancing is paramount. We receive Jesus on the hand as opposed to the tongue. We do not chat after Holy Mass in Church, like we used to before Corona, we chat outside and so our sense of community strong as ever. Holy Reverence adhered to like never before, that definitely big positive.

Missing out on Holy Mass, in my opinion, is ignoring the zenith of all life events and experiences. Of course there are always very good reasons why people can not attend, myriad underlying health issues requiring vigilance. For those of us who are in a position to attend though, it would be very remiss not to do so!

 As they say in Kerry: ‘Let us make hay while the sun shines’.

‘I am the Living Bread which comes down from Heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world, is my flesh’. (John 6:51)

                ‘Totally love Him, Who gave Himself totally for your love’. (St. Clare of Assisi)

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