Thursday, September 17, 2020

Patient plodding.๐Ÿ˜„

Tim relaxed enjoying his cuppa, taking it all in, joyous heart reflecting in his countenance. He is not in need of company but when I sit down, he is happy to see me. We are friends a long time.

Tim has no Corona anxiety. Corona does not occupy one inch of his head space, it does not keep him awake at night. Unlike the rest of us, Corona hasn’t changed Tim’s life very much, he was never part of the ‘in crowd’, never deemed one of our ‘local Notables’. Tim knows suffering but with the passage of time, his life has improved greatly, nowadays he has what we all need and want badly: Peace.

‘So the last will be first, and the first last’. (Matthew 20:16)

Tim and his friends are our teachers now, they give us Hope. They show us a better way, teaching us how to keep our intellects free from wordly entanglements. We hardly noticed them before, now we see them clearly. With our world crumbling around us, we are being freed up from the attachment to stuff. 

This is a time of redemptive discipline, letting go is painful but we are very fortunate to know folk who live happily and at peace without the trinkets. We weren’t made to ‘fit in’, we were born to ‘stand out’.

‘I believe resolutely that ‘Ordinary folk’ who rarely, if ever make the headline news have a marked influence on national and world affairs. They possess a priceless virtue ‘patient plodding’.              (Wilfred Pickles)

 ‘Our lives are woven together and sustained by ordinary people, people often overlooked. People who do not appear in newspaper and magazine headlines or on the latest television show, yet in these very days of pandemic they are surely shaping the decisive events of our history’.                                                     (Patris Corde Apostolic Letter)

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