Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Thank you God for Everything.🧺


My dear Dad was elated handing me my new shoes. He had traveled to England for his brother’s funeral and he knew I needed shoes. Thank God my face did not reveal how I really felt, they were winter shoes, summer was almost here. They were strong shoes, they would last a long time and that was crucial, money was scarce in our humble home. I put them on and did my best to sound as happy as he was. My dear Dad had no idea how I felt.

In school, the other girls were beginning to wear their pretty summer sandals. I would look so out of place - in my own mind at any rate. There was only one thing for me to do - ask God if He would put His glorious sunshine on hold until school holidays and my summer job would enable me buy pretty sandals too. God answered my prayers, that month of June was a wet month, rain fell almost every day. My strong brown shoes fitted right in, how Great is our God.

Roll on many years until summer 2020. Having been seriously ill, I was allowed but one litre of fluid per day, tea and coffee included. How would I cope in the long hot days of Midsummer June.🧐 Only one thing for me to do - ask God if He would put His glorious sunshine on hold until I felt a little stronger. Once again, God answered my prayers, no sunshine in our little town and slowly my strength began to return. Our disappointing summer must have made many people unhappy and my heart did go out to them. As the ancient adage goes - ‘It is an ill wind that blows no one any good’.

A pattern is emerging, joy to behold. Oftentimes I am catapulted back to former times and similar life experiences, Life is becoming more and more circular all the time. One time I thought I might put my life journey with all it’s twists and turns in print, Ruairi being an English teacher would be my guide. However, writing in linear fashion would not flow easily for me. Instead, a current life situation evokes a memory from way back and both events step forward and walk together into my heart. One thing renews another, seamlessly.

Thankyou Kind Lord for this beautiful gift of writing that enriches my life so much. Thank you for my memories, thankyou for my life. Thankyou for my beautiful parents who by their words and deeds left no doubt in my mind and heart, that You are more real and nearer to me than my breath. I am never alone.

‘Go to sleep in peace. God is awake’. (Victor Hugo).

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog again. I have situations that happen and then I get a memory that's similar and mostly good and it's nice to remember the good times then. Your brilliant at writing and u write great stories. Your dad was so kind to get your strong shoes that would last.
