Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Killian’s Birthday.🎁


Killian, my youngest son, is 27 years old today. Hard to believe.

He was only nine when we had no choice but pack up and leave Swords, all that he knew and was familiar to him had to be abandoned, a new life in Kerry began. He wasn’t happy about it, but Killian did what he always does - he got on with it, a powerful trait he is blessed  to possess.

He started in his new school, he got involved in football, and to us all it appeared seamless. I have no doubt that it can’t always have been easy for him but Killian never complained. 

If it wasn’t for Corona, Killian would now be settled in Canada. I know for sure that he was disappointed about that but he is happy to be here for now. He works from home and it is trouble free and uncomplicated, we have an easy alliance. We both know that this too will come to an end and so we make the most of it.

Thankyou Killian for the adventure that every day is, with you in my life. Our many laughs make the gloomiest of days brighter. Thankyou for your vigilance and quick thinking in my recent illness, without you, the ending would have been so very different.

Father God. I am extremely grateful for your many Blessings to us all the time, too numerous to mention. Today, I am extremely grateful to you too, for trusting me with your fine son, Killian.

Thankyou Killian for choosing me to be your Mom. I’m glad you did.

‘I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the Truth’. (3 John 1:4)

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