Saturday, March 20, 2021

Heavenly Dream.๐ŸŒŸ

Awake from my slumber, my dream danced into my heart, graphic, clear as crystal. Three of us silently strolling along the deserted street, my dear Mom, a lady I had never met before, and me. Passing by a shop, I spied in the spacious window the most sublime life size statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, His two Arms outstretched in a most welcoming manner. I yearned to enter the shop but did not feel it appropriate to ask. Then, the unknown lady opened the door and stepped inside, my mom following her. As I placed my foot on the doorstep, about to step inside too, I awoke. I can still see that beautiful Sacred Heart Statue in my deepest heart, it has never dimmed.

Next morning, my sister in law Mary called to break the heart-rending news that my dear Mom passed on to her eternal reward, peacefully, with no warning, during the night. Was her lady companion Mother Mary? I believe She was. 

Every time I called my mom up she would say two things right away; ‘Hold on a moment, I will turn the radio down’ (lower the volume) and ‘I’m looking up at the Sacred Heart picture thanking God for everything’, she dearly loved Jesus and Mary. My beautiful Mom was going home to Heaven and I had the awesome privilege of accompanying her for part of her journey.

That was twenty three years ago and it is as real and clear to me today as it was back then. True beauty never fades, Love never dies. ‘Love triumphs, love enjoys, Love finds in God it’s joys’. (St. Faustina)

Dad and Mom passed on their deep love for Jesus and Mary to my siblings and I, what a legacy of love. That Heavenly  dream brought great comfort and peace in the days of my Mom’s funeral and it still does. As I meditate and mull over it through the years, fear dissolves, hope rises, desolation departs. A visitation from on High, Divine encounter.

‘The adorable Heart of Jesus is our comfort, our way, our life’. (St. Francis Xavier Cabrini)

On my way home from school, I would pick bluebells for my mom. She would place them in a vase at Our Lady’s statue. My bluebells at the end of my garden evoke such happy memories of days long gone but never forgotten.

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