Saturday, March 6, 2021

Home alone. ๐Ÿก

When we are called upon to give up the familiar and embark on the unknown, anoint us with Your Grace dear Lord. Amen

Home alone, first time in forty years. What did my life look like before Eric and I settled down and our children joined us, one by one. I forget, I have no idea. ‘I can’t tonight, I’m washing my hair’, would oftentimes be my reply to friends. Hilarious to me now.๐Ÿ˜…

Today I realised with a pang that the only reason I should clean my house now is ‘me’. Shopping just for me. Lighting the stove, just for me. ‘Who will you berate when the fire goes out’, Ruairi asked in laughter. Cooking my famous (infamous!) stew, just for me.

Unfamiliar territory, new journey. No reverting back to those ‘washing my hair’ days of freedom and self-obsessiveness, that door locked and bolted. Onwards and upwards, ever forward, never back. Each season must end for the new one to begin. ‘The only thing constant is change’. (Socrates)

Without passion and purpose in my life, I would drown in despair and loneliness. God created each and every one of us on purpose, for a purpose. Walking with Jesus fills my heart with joy and elation to be alive in this wonderful world, He guides me along the right path for me. 

Every day a new creation, freshly minted from God’s Holy Hands. Every morning a new adventure awaits as I forge forward in the Light of Christ.

‘Without you Jesus, I know not how to live’. (St. Faustina)

Today, panicky visiting black cat gingerly emerged a little closer, scoffing down his meal anxiously. Beginning to trust, he reminds me of myself embarking on this new voyage of discovery.

Crows too enlightening the eyes of my heart as they gather twigs and straw for their nests. To see them swoop with sticks in their beaks breathtaking, cacophony of sound emanating from tall trees at the end of my garden. 

Corona putting no damper on their celebration and appreciation for the wonderful gift of life. Their Joie de Vivre contagious filling me with enthusiasm for whatever lies ahead. 

‘Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day’. Matthew-6:34)

Industrious crow breaking off branches with his beak for his family’s cozy nest. Nature Divine.

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