Sunday, October 31, 2021

Unseen Guest.❤️

‘Truly truly I say to you, he who receives anyone whom I send, receives Me; and he who receives me, receives Him who sent Me’. (John 13:20)

7.30PM Holy Mass this evening, that was my plan. As always, eagerly looking forward to receiving Jesus in Holy Eucharist. Dinner cooking on the hob, salmon, broccoli and potato, simple wholesome delightful fare.

Then, what do you know, knock on my door. Young man who helps with odd jobs, now that my sons have flown the nest. I thank God for him, loyal and trustworthy, always willing to do more. As time passed, I knew in my deepest heart that I was not meant to go to Holy Mass, I was to stay home and I had no idea why. My young friend never accepts food. His reply is always the same: ‘No thank you, I’m fine’. On this occasion however, he asked if he could please have a banana. ‘Of course. Have five if you wish’, I replied joyfully. ‘Only four in the bowl’, he added, both of us laughed.

Dinner ready, we both sat down to eat. My friend was hungry, I super thrilled to share my meal with him. Outside wind and rain howled, my friend was cold too. 

So glad to have heeded promptings of Holy Spirit and hadn’t dashed out the door to Holy Mass. Holy Eucharist means the world to me and yet I knew in my deepest spirit that my evening was unfolding as it should.

After some time my welcome caller took his leave of me and I couldn’t help smiling and thanking God profusely for the sublime privilege that was mine. Everything about it fitted flawlessly. Dinner cooked for one more than enough for two. Amazing! 

Then, lightbulb moment, beautiful realisation began to dawn, no wonder it felt so right! Thank God I loosened my grasp on my own plan, God had a splendid one in mind. Instead of I going to Church, Jesus, my unseen guest, in His sublime kindness, came to dine with me this evening in my humble cozy cottage, while wind and rain howled outside. No wonder conditions were perfect. 

God can use a good plan but He inhabits an anointed one.πŸ’Ž ‘Man proposes, but God disposes’. (Thomas a Kempis)

‘When a great moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart, and it is very easy to miss it’. (Boris Pasternak)

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes’. (Matthew 6:25)

Sunday, October 24, 2021

On with the Dance.🌟

‘If you really love God, you will greatly desire to see him loved by all the world’. (Cure D’Ars)

10AM Holy Mass in this beautiful Church this morning. Afterwards I strolled through town taking it all in. Folk going about their business, no indication that the Sacred Sabbath was upon us once again.

I offered a prayer to a very serious young man as he waited at the bus stop. He was either embarrassed or rude, hard to tell. He didn’t say ‘No’, he simply shook his head ever so slightly. No problem, I walked on. 

The next guy refused too, only more polite, he seemed amused almost. That’s it, I thought, no more today, in my acute awkwardness earnestly questioning if what I was doing was really such a good idea after all. Easy to be positive and upbeat yesterday. Today, however, totally different scenario. Dancing definitely disallowed.

I began the scenic journey back home to my family. Magnificent tall trees on both sides, leaves fluttering to the ground, I love that walk with all my heart. Half way through Holy Rosary, a young girl came along and as she passed me by, she beamed: ‘What a beautiful day’. Even though I had firmly decided to not offer anyone else a prayer today, I found myself asking: ‘Would you like a prayer?’. What ensued was the most amazing enriching sharing. The two rejected prayers were accepted gratefully and happily. I was totally flabbergasted with how it all worked out. ‘You made my day’, my young friend said as we parted company. Dance back on.πŸ’ƒ

So there it is, I am back in business for the Lord. I must remember to never forget that God knows what He is about. He knows the heart of each and every person I encounter, God knows the motive, I see only the action. 

I am merely God’s humble imperfect instrument. Nothing more. What a Divine privilege is mine. ‘The candle that gives light must itself be consumed’. (St. Robert Bellarmine)

‘On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined’. (Lord Byron)

Later, when I told my grand daughter Saoirse about my flat refusals and questioning if I should keep on, keeping on, she expressed merrily from her big beautiful eleven year old heart: ‘Just because they refused Nan, that does not mean you have to stop doing it for everybody else’. ❤️

                            ‘Pass on your Faith to your children’s children’. (Deuteronomy 4:9)
(26th October 2021) - In the notebook on my nightstand, at some unearthly hour last night, I scribbled the words that came clearly in my sleep: ‘We were all born with the task of conveying this to other people’. Whenever I neglect to write the words down, (when I’m too sleepy/lazy to reach for my pen), they fade away, never to return. Sadly, that has happened on a number of occasions. 

Today, as I journeyed back home to my own place, I had many more beautiful encounters, many more wonderful sharings.πŸ’ƒ To share a prayer is such a huge privilege. To reach out to another takes courage and when I need it most, I call to mind the kindly words, wonderful Holy Spirit spoke to my deepest heart, one time, in my hour of need: ‘How can I give you more courage if you do not use the courage already in your  heart’. 

Spend what I have so I can be refilled. ‘Holy Spirit fill me and use me for the greater glory of God. Amen

‘When the Lord looks at our fragility, He invites us to take care of it, not with fear but with courage’. “Don’t be afraid, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33)
“I am with you always until the end of the world”. (Matthew 28:20)
(Pope Frances)

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Lead kindly Light.☀️

My day began at cockcrow, 7.30AM bus to Killarney, 9AM Holy Mass in the Friary. I had with me many copies of my favourite prayer and I was filled to overflowing with anticipation and excitement. The day ahead a blank canvas, only God knew who might cross my path before I would finally arrive in Midleton and stay awhile with my loving family. 

As always, every time I offer a prayer, I utter the words: ‘I am not preaching. I am simply sharing what is in my heart’. 

Richard, a tad sad, first grateful recipient. ‘That’s a nice prayer’, he said, having silently prayed it. I was glad to see him smile. Jakov, a handsome young man from Poland next, as he lit holy candles in the Friary. ‘I greatly appreciate this and I will pray for a Blessing for you Bridget’, he said warmly. I wanted to dance, I think I actually did.πŸ’ƒ

Next stop, Bus Station Cafe. Erica and Emma served up my full-Irish Breakfast, doing everything in their power to ensure my stay was comfortable and pleasant. Before I left, they gratefully accepted my prayer too and Erica asked if she could have one for her daughter. More dancing.πŸ’ƒ 

In Cork city, William sat on the stone cold cement, paper cup by his side. Every day he sits in that selfsame place, scantily clad, totally dependant on the kindness of strangers. ‘I have a place to stay at night, thanks be to God’, said he. He prays every night for his mother, she passed away four years ago. No, he did not have a terrible childhood, his life was always good, he tells me solemnly. Alcohol came into his life and didn’t leave. When I suggested that he seemed happy enough with his lot, he replied: ‘I hide it a small bit’. Bouncing back, he placed my prayer in an inside pocket promising cheerily that yes, he will pray that prayer every morning. 

In Cork Bus Station shop, Rebecca, a young girl in her twenties sold me a dairy milk bar. I gifted her one of my prayers. When I told her that I long to pass on what I have gleaned through my many years on this earth, she replied: ‘Please continue to do that. How else are we ever going to learn’.πŸ’ƒ

Outside the station as I waited on the Midleton bus, Bartek stood holding a bottle of sanitiser, wearing the ubiquitous blue gloves we have all become so accustomed to in this harsh time of pandemic. He sanitises the busses before they go out again, he tells me. A handsome cheerful young man, he too accepted my prayer gratefully saying:’ I appreciate this very much’.πŸ’ƒ

Safe in the bosom of my loving family in Midleton this night, I thank God from my deepest heart for His bountiful blessings. Tomorrow is another day, le cunamh De. More prayers, more meetings, more dancingπŸ’ƒ. 
Our young people deserve so much more than what our current irreverent culture, which has lost it’s Christian moorings, is bombarding them with, in this our day and  time. 
Lead Kindly Light. Lead Thou me on. πŸ™πŸ»
‘I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do’. (Edward Everett Hale)

                                                    Killian put on our family group today.πŸ’ƒ☀️✈️

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Daithi’s Nan❤️

‘Every newborn baby is a sign that God has not given up on the world’. (St. Mother Teresa)

Baby Daithi Nolan, newest member of our clan, born at 11.30 AM today, weighing in at 7 pounds/4 ounces. He is beautiful. His Mom and Dad, Ruairi and Tricia, are over the moon. We all are. Our hearts are brimming with gratitude to God in purest Divine delight.

Daithi is born on his grandfather Eric’s AnniversaryπŸ™πŸ» and his great grandfather Edward’s Feast day. (St. Edward the Confessor), rendering an already sublime day even more precious.

‘I knit you together in your mother’s womb’. (Psalm 139:13).  ‘And brought you forth on the day you were born’. (Psalm 71:6)

Daithi’s Daddy, Ruairi, ‘walking on the ceiling’, with his Dad, Eric. 

Ruairi and Daithi.❤️ Round and round the story goes.☀️

‘It is a sign from Heaven - a sign that something is put right’. (Gentle Giant John’s edifying remarks re Daithi’s birth on his grandfather Eric’s anniversary).πŸ’ŽπŸ™πŸ»

                 7th May 2023. Heading to Holy Mass on Ruairi’s Birthday. Ruairi, Daithi and me.❤️πŸ™πŸ»☀️

Sunday, October 10, 2021

‘O Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast Thou made them all’. (Psalm 104:24)

 What extravagant undeserved kindness! Let us draw near to God in gratitude and joy.πŸ™πŸ»

‘Let brotherly love continue’. (Hebrews 13:1)

 Diarmuid is spending one whole week in Canada with Killian. Adventure of a lifetime.🏟️

Road trip begins. πŸš™

                                                             Road trip comes to a close.πŸš™

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Pass it on.πŸŽ†

Paulina was super excited when we talked today. Yesterday, her mobile phone crashed headlong onto the unyielding tiles, smashing the face beyond repair. Never one for a pity party, Paulina swiftly took a bus to Cork city purchasing a brand new phone. Thing is, Paulina could afford to pay for her own phone. She possessed in her purse the one hundred and ninety euro required. 

Refugee in our country, arriving with very little she had no other option but accept the kindness of strangers. She is extremely grateful for her new life, she says so all the time, but now, finally enjoying a little independence fills her heart with pure joy. 

Paulina knew well that I would fully comprehend her sentiments. Our life journeys poles apart but hard times have visited us both, on many occasions in various ways. Paulina from South Africa, I from deepest Kerry, two persistent pilgrims travelling the same way.

My motto in life has always been to never refuse anybody anything, if at all possible. Everyone has something, no one has everything. That person in great need at this moment in time, will find his/her feet again and in time may one day reach out to another in distress. 

We are Missionary Disciples, Hands and Feet of Christ.  A ‘hand out’ or a ‘hand up’, let us do whatever is in our power to do, while there is still time. Let us do today what we will be happy with tomorrow. There is nothing more salutary or satisfying than helping other people. Ever forward, Never back.

Everything God expects of us, He supplies. Whatever He commands, He enables.

‘The softest pillow is a clear conscience’, wrote N.R. Narayan Murthy. Sweet dreams one and all.πŸ’€

Whenever Paulina finds herself in Cork city, she gifts any homeless person she encounters, one of our prayers. Paulina, like myself, knows only too well what it feels like to be at the receiving end of a little kindness.
‘One hand washes the other and both wash the face’. (Proverb)