Sunday, October 24, 2021

On with the Dance.🌟

‘If you really love God, you will greatly desire to see him loved by all the world’. (Cure D’Ars)

10AM Holy Mass in this beautiful Church this morning. Afterwards I strolled through town taking it all in. Folk going about their business, no indication that the Sacred Sabbath was upon us once again.

I offered a prayer to a very serious young man as he waited at the bus stop. He was either embarrassed or rude, hard to tell. He didn’t say ‘No’, he simply shook his head ever so slightly. No problem, I walked on. 

The next guy refused too, only more polite, he seemed amused almost. That’s it, I thought, no more today, in my acute awkwardness earnestly questioning if what I was doing was really such a good idea after all. Easy to be positive and upbeat yesterday. Today, however, totally different scenario. Dancing definitely disallowed.

I began the scenic journey back home to my family. Magnificent tall trees on both sides, leaves fluttering to the ground, I love that walk with all my heart. Half way through Holy Rosary, a young girl came along and as she passed me by, she beamed: ‘What a beautiful day’. Even though I had firmly decided to not offer anyone else a prayer today, I found myself asking: ‘Would you like a prayer?’. What ensued was the most amazing enriching sharing. The two rejected prayers were accepted gratefully and happily. I was totally flabbergasted with how it all worked out. ‘You made my day’, my young friend said as we parted company. Dance back on.πŸ’ƒ

So there it is, I am back in business for the Lord. I must remember to never forget that God knows what He is about. He knows the heart of each and every person I encounter, God knows the motive, I see only the action. 

I am merely God’s humble imperfect instrument. Nothing more. What a Divine privilege is mine. ‘The candle that gives light must itself be consumed’. (St. Robert Bellarmine)

‘On with the dance! Let joy be unconfined’. (Lord Byron)

Later, when I told my grand daughter Saoirse about my flat refusals and questioning if I should keep on, keeping on, she expressed merrily from her big beautiful eleven year old heart: ‘Just because they refused Nan, that does not mean you have to stop doing it for everybody else’. ❤️

                            ‘Pass on your Faith to your children’s children’. (Deuteronomy 4:9)
(26th October 2021) - In the notebook on my nightstand, at some unearthly hour last night, I scribbled the words that came clearly in my sleep: ‘We were all born with the task of conveying this to other people’. Whenever I neglect to write the words down, (when I’m too sleepy/lazy to reach for my pen), they fade away, never to return. Sadly, that has happened on a number of occasions. 

Today, as I journeyed back home to my own place, I had many more beautiful encounters, many more wonderful sharings.πŸ’ƒ To share a prayer is such a huge privilege. To reach out to another takes courage and when I need it most, I call to mind the kindly words, wonderful Holy Spirit spoke to my deepest heart, one time, in my hour of need: ‘How can I give you more courage if you do not use the courage already in your  heart’. 

Spend what I have so I can be refilled. ‘Holy Spirit fill me and use me for the greater glory of God. Amen

‘When the Lord looks at our fragility, He invites us to take care of it, not with fear but with courage’. “Don’t be afraid, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33)
“I am with you always until the end of the world”. (Matthew 28:20)
(Pope Frances)