Thursday, October 7, 2021

Pass it on.🎆

Paulina was super excited when we talked today. Yesterday, her mobile phone crashed headlong onto the unyielding tiles, smashing the face beyond repair. Never one for a pity party, Paulina swiftly took a bus to Cork city purchasing a brand new phone. Thing is, Paulina could afford to pay for her own phone. She possessed in her purse the one hundred and ninety euro required. 

Refugee in our country, arriving with very little she had no other option but accept the kindness of strangers. She is extremely grateful for her new life, she says so all the time, but now, finally enjoying a little independence fills her heart with pure joy. 

Paulina knew well that I would fully comprehend her sentiments. Our life journeys poles apart but hard times have visited us both, on many occasions in various ways. Paulina from South Africa, I from deepest Kerry, two persistent pilgrims travelling the same way.

My motto in life has always been to never refuse anybody anything, if at all possible. Everyone has something, no one has everything. That person in great need at this moment in time, will find his/her feet again and in time may one day reach out to another in distress. 

We are Missionary Disciples, Hands and Feet of Christ.  A ‘hand out’ or a ‘hand up’, let us do whatever is in our power to do, while there is still time. Let us do today what we will be happy with tomorrow. There is nothing more salutary or satisfying than helping other people. Ever forward, Never back.

Everything God expects of us, He supplies. Whatever He commands, He enables.

‘The softest pillow is a clear conscience’, wrote N.R. Narayan Murthy. Sweet dreams one and all.💤

Whenever Paulina finds herself in Cork city, she gifts any homeless person she encounters, one of our prayers. Paulina, like myself, knows only too well what it feels like to be at the receiving end of a little kindness.
‘One hand washes the other and both wash the face’. (Proverb)

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