Sunday, October 31, 2021

Unseen Guest.❤️

‘Truly truly I say to you, he who receives anyone whom I send, receives Me; and he who receives me, receives Him who sent Me’. (John 13:20)

7.30PM Holy Mass this evening, that was my plan. As always, eagerly looking forward to receiving Jesus in Holy Eucharist. Dinner cooking on the hob, salmon, broccoli and potato, simple wholesome delightful fare.

Then, what do you know, knock on my door. Young man who helps with odd jobs, now that my sons have flown the nest. I thank God for him, loyal and trustworthy, always willing to do more. As time passed, I knew in my deepest heart that I was not meant to go to Holy Mass, I was to stay home and I had no idea why. My young friend never accepts food. His reply is always the same: ‘No thank you, I’m fine’. On this occasion however, he asked if he could please have a banana. ‘Of course. Have five if you wish’, I replied joyfully. ‘Only four in the bowl’, he added, both of us laughed.

Dinner ready, we both sat down to eat. My friend was hungry, I super thrilled to share my meal with him. Outside wind and rain howled, my friend was cold too. 

So glad to have heeded promptings of Holy Spirit and hadn’t dashed out the door to Holy Mass. Holy Eucharist means the world to me and yet I knew in my deepest spirit that my evening was unfolding as it should.

After some time my welcome caller took his leave of me and I couldn’t help smiling and thanking God profusely for the sublime privilege that was mine. Everything about it fitted flawlessly. Dinner cooked for one more than enough for two. Amazing! 

Then, lightbulb moment, beautiful realisation began to dawn, no wonder it felt so right! Thank God I loosened my grasp on my own plan, God had a splendid one in mind. Instead of I going to Church, Jesus, my unseen guest, in His sublime kindness, came to dine with me this evening in my humble cozy cottage, while wind and rain howled outside. No wonder conditions were perfect. 

God can use a good plan but He inhabits an anointed one.💎 ‘Man proposes, but God disposes’. (Thomas a Kempis)

‘When a great moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart, and it is very easy to miss it’. (Boris Pasternak)

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes’. (Matthew 6:25)

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