Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Divine appointment.☀️

‘Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks’. (Matthew 12:34)

He sat on his rickety bench, impervious to the rain as I rounded the corner. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Perfect timing. 

‘Hello Harry. I brought you a present’. (Handing him a bottle of Holy water)
‘Thank you very much. I really appreciate it’. 
‘I’m Bridget from Kerry. Happy Christmas’.
‘I know that’. Happy Christmas to you’. (Smiling broadly)
‘Are you ok for everything Harry?’
‘I am, Bridget. I got paid today, I have a load of money. But this here - pointing to the bottle of Holy water in his hand - is worth more to me than all the money in the world’.
‘God Bless you Harry’
‘God Bless you Bridget’.

My feet scarcely touched the ground as I made my way to Holy Mass.

‘You give yourself to everyone and you find me there. It is only your duty that changes. Your Master is the same gentle Master’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/God calling)

Today 10/5/2022 Harry and I chatted on my way to Holy Mass. ‘I pray for you every day’, he told me - ‘That you will always be happy and healthy, have a great life and that you will always be Holy’. What more could I possibly wish for. ☀️πŸ™πŸ»

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