Friday, December 17, 2021

O Happy Day.☀️πŸ™πŸ»

‘A prayer! I have my own prayers, Thank you very much’😑, vexed elderly lady’s response, when I offered her my prayer this morning. Her awful anger caught me off-guard, seriously ruffling my feathers. Refusals can be unsettling, but this was the first time anyone ever reacted in such ferocious fashion.

In Holy Mass, young man sat down beside me. Unsteady on his feet, obviously hungover, my heart went out to him. In the past, he would always refuse my prayer; ‘Not for me, thanks’, declaring laughingly. Today, however, he accepted gratefully, reading it quietly and then placing it in his pocket. His weary face creased in pain, heavy tears glistening his sad eyes.

He came to Church this morning to light a candle for his deceased Dad and for no reason at all decided to stay on for Holy Mass. ‘I have done many bad things in my life, and now I need a new life but I don’t know what do do’, he divulged.

‘Would you like the precious Blood of Jesus wash all your sins away in Confession’, I asked. ‘Yes’, he replied, ‘but I have not been to Confession in twenty years’. ‘Not a problem, follow me’, I almost sang, as I rushed off to lay hold of Father Larry, all the time glancing behind me to make sure my friend was on my heels. Incredible event unfolding right before my very eyes, truly beyond my wildest dreams and highest hopes.

Father Larry, in Persona Christi, heard his confession, pronouncing sublime words: ‘Your sins are forgiven, go in peace’, absolving him of his sins. My friend, layers lighter, smiling and crying all at the same time. Slate wiped clean, all sins forgiven by the Most High God. 

No Saint without a past, no sinner without a future. 

Next time anyone refuses my prayer, I hope I will recall this morning. How my friend, after countless rebuffs, accepted my prayer and there ensued for him, that sublime Sacrament of Confession setting in motion his new life in Christ. Oh Happy day☀️. 

Yes indeed, I will go on sharing my prayer. The good far outweighs the bad, God’s amazing Grace covers all.

‘I tell you, there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety nine righteous persons who have no need of repentance’. (Luke 15:7)

‘If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another’. (1John 1:7)

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