Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Noble Desires.πŸ’₯

To want what Jesus wants is a beautiful thing.πŸŽ†

Of late, mini events I truly wished would come to pass, effortlessly and seamlessly have popped into existence right before my very eyes. God places His lofty desires in my heart and then He fulfils them. Noble desires because all of them proceed from God.

Sister Loretto sitting, reading her newspaper in the front room of the convent as I walked past on a beautiful sunny evening. Silence and solitude spoke loudly to my deepest heart and I said to myself; ‘I could easily live in that place’. Twenty four hours later phone call from Reverend Mother asking if I would live-in and care for three elderly Sisters who reside there. 

Two heavenly years ensued in that peaceful oasis. God and I wanted the same thing.

On my way to Holy Mass every morning, man in his house gazing at his huge television. ‘If I could only say a prayer with him sometime’, I pondered. Lo and behold, what do you know, short time later, his son came to ask if I might drop by and remind his Dad take his medication. ‘May we pray together..’, I asked. ‘Yes of course’, his son replied. God and I wanted the same thing.

I wished I could pray with Bridie in St. Anne’s once again but it seemed far fetched and utterly outlandish in these harsh days of pandemic. Had Marina not moved to her new pristine room, I would never have walked by Bridie’s room to get to Marina’s last Sunday afternoon. God and I wanted the same thing.

Thirteen thousand precious babies murdered in our country since the abortion referendum in 2018. My heart in smithereens wishing there was some little thing I could do, when Father Larry asked if I would pray Holy Rosary from our Church, three days every week. Live-streamed to St. Anne’s and now many others join in prayer too from many different places. After each decade we pray in unison; ‘Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you, save souls. Save the Unborn’. God heard the desire of my heart, He and I wanted the same thing. 

Multiple similar exquisite events I can recall at the drop of a hat. Walking with Jesus, learning His ways, becoming more like Him every day, wanting what He wants. 

‘How utterly divine it is to co-operate with God in the salvation of souls’. (St. Charles Borromeo)

‘Keep watch on your thoughts; they control your words and actions. Dwell upon my thoughts, so full of kindness and compassion, and you will do my deeds’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He and I)