Sunday, December 19, 2021

Beautiful Bridie๐Ÿ“ฟ☀️

Bridie and I prayed Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s Oratory today, first time since before Lockdowns began almost two years ago. Sacred sacrosanct space, Jesus in Holy Tabernacle, Bridie in her wheelchair and I seated right next to her. Indescribable gift to both of us from Almighty God. 

Seeing, hearing and talking all extremely difficult for Bridie. However, praying Holy Rosary not only extremely enjoyable for her, effortless too. Years of practice!!

When she called out her favourite prayer, (St. Teresa of Avila’s) I silently thanked God from my deepest heart for the awesome privilege of hearing her pray it once again. Her words; ‘Whoever has God lacks nothing’, I know and believe without question or doubt are true, coming as it does, from dear Bridie. 

Unhurried time with Bridie is pure unadulterated prayer. Sacrament of the present moment, my heart full to overflowing as I return home this radiant evening from God. 

Too much beauty to articulate....The heart knows❤️

‘Words spoil anything that surpasses them’. (Cardinal Robert Sarah)

Sitting with Bridie, in the sublime presence of Jesus in the Holy Tabernacle, calls to mind St. Elizabeth and how she must have felt in the presence of Mary, the Mother of our God when she spoke the words: ‘And why is this granted me that the Mother of my Lord should come to me?’. (Luke 1:43) If Saint Elizabeth felt unworthy, devout Holy woman that she was, then how much more unworthy did I feel today in the Holy Oratory. ⛪️

                                                             Bridie’s favourite prayer.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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