Monday, February 28, 2022

To do Your Will is my desire.☀️

Latin Holy Mass in Saints Peter and Paul’s Church this morning in Cork city. Sacrosanct Sacred space. Afterwards I chatted with some homeless folk, sharing my prayer and widow’s mite. Joy of being able to buy beef sandwich for hungry man sitting on cold ground, very great privilege indeed. Freely we have received, freely we give.

On bus home, driver refused young man entry as his ticket was valid for later bus. Young man visibly upset explained pleadingly that he would be late for work if he was not allowed travel. Driver was adamant. I stood with young man, bank card in hand offering to pay his fare and driver, tad shamed, waved him on the bus. 

Seeing the relief on the young man’s face made me smile and thank God from my deepest heart. I might just as easily have got a later bus and missed a golden opportunity. On a different occasion when I offered to help pay someone’s fare, driver reacted the exact same way. Let us always stand up for the underdog, never judging, always sharing.

Just one story from a day of many tales, happy and sad. We are living in terrible times. Let us pray without ceasing all the while doing everything in our power to help anyone and everyone in need. That way we will not be found wanting no matter what comes to pass. Let us keep busy for the Lord.

‘It is not that I want merely to be called a Christian, but to actually be one. Yes, if I prove to be one, then I can have the name’. (St. Ignatius of Antioch)

When I handed George from Romania a picture of our Blessed Mother, he cried and cried. ‘I had a step mother - not good’, he told me in his anguish. ‘Now you have Mother Mary. She is your real Mother and she will mind you forever’, I told him. His beautiful smile burst forth as his tears fell freely. Sublime moment in time.

The Creator of the starry skies smiles sweetly at you, O fairest of all women, and you return His smile in triumphant peace. I know that with God smiling at His sweet Mother, the grim powers of evil are already defeated’. ( Dom Anscar Vonier O.S.B.)

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Nan’s delight.๐Ÿ˜ƒ

‘The Lord embraces and shelters us. The Lord surrounds us with His Love. The Lord never leaves us. God is every good thing’. (St. Julian of Norwich)

Glorious revelation! Bishop William Crean would be celebrating Holy Mass In Middleton this morning. Thing is, Saoirse will be receiving the sublime Sacrament of Confirmation in two weeks time Please God, and due to COVID restrictions I may not attend. 

As always, God worked it out splendidly. Today, Saoirse, Aoife and I received Holy Eucharist from Bishop Crean. God’s work done in His way will never lack His provision.

 Afterwards, we visited with him in the Sacristy, he and I friends a long time. Once upon a time, Bishop Crean was Canon Crean in our Church. Joyful momentous meeting as we marvelled at the goodness of God all the time.

                             Our first Holy Mass in Midleton, in the longest time. My girls and me.❤️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

                                                    Copious daffodils. New life all around.

After Holy Mass, tea and lovely things to eat ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿฐ 

Saoirse took my photo this morning to superimpose onto her Confirmation photos in two weeks time.❤️

16/3/2022. Bishop Crean and Saoirse. O happy day- Saoirse received the most sublime Sacrament of Confirmation. ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Saturday, February 26, 2022

God’s fellow workers.๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ

Susan, super helpful teller in Dunnes accepted my prayer, as did Pat as he went about his business in Killarney, visibly distressed contemplating the horrendous sufferings of Ukraine people. Religious Sister in Franciscan shop read and loved it. She will copy it for distribution. Bridie who just couldn’t resist buying that vivid sunflower picture accepted it. Generous bus driver from Killarney to Cork accepted gratefully as did lady bus-driver from Cork city to Midleton.

They didn’t just ‘accept’ my prayer, they were really pleased. Little old me was able to do some small thing in these troubled days.

This has not been the easiest of weeks, on a personal front and on the world stage. Watching helplessly as loved ones suffer right now and the poor people in Ukraine. Yet, to be gifted sublime privilege from God of putting a smile on some faces today lightens my draining burden this night. 

Bloom where I am planted, God will do the rest.

‘Never give in then, my dear brothers, never admit defeat.; keep on working at the Lord’s work always, knowing that, in the Lord, you cannot be labouring in vain’. (1 Corinthians 15:58)

                                                                 Thank God for family.❤️

‘Listen to me: everyone in this world has a vocation, a road to follow which is special to him and which is his most direct and sure way to Heaven’. (Jacques Fesch)

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Come Lord Jesus.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline’.                      (2Timothy 1:7)

Sunday morning, howling wind, torrential rain, blizzard blowing. I arrived for Holy Mass soaked through, apologising to the only man in the pew for the health risk I posed as water plopped onto the floor from my sodden coat. I recognised him, he did not recognise me and I was acutely aware that a mammoth cross rests on his harried shoulders at this time, his suffering very great. No wonder Holy Spirit prompted me to take a prayer in my pocket before leaving my cozy home. At the time it seemed like the craziest request ever, given weather conditions outside, but now the plot was unfolding right before my very eyes.

How could I possibly offer him a prayer though in that setting without embarrassing the poor man and totally humiliating myself into the bargain! I would give one to his aunt when I met her, or perhaps to his daughter’s friend I told myself. Still, peace eluded me, I was not convinced.

Just as the final hymn ‘How Great Thou art’ was being sung,  my heart began to race. That same old nervous feeling I’ve come to know so well every time I’m about to approach somebody with my prayer. Without further ado, I uttered ‘Have a nice day, may I share my prayer with you’. He accepted quietly, he smiled. 

Instantaneously my racing heart relaxed, perfect peace restored. Holy Spirit is so gracious, God’s command is really and truly His enabling.

‘He who assists a brother in need holds Jesus by the Hand’. (Venerable Thomas A Kempis)

After Holy Mass, Dermot and I chatted for a while and then out of the blue he said, laughing; ‘The Holy Spirit just told me to drive you home, you are wet enough already’. 

Later, Bridie and I prayed Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s. Joy of all joys. On the way home a violent gust of wind swept me off my feet and when once again on terra firma, Pauline ‘just happened’ to be driving by and kindly ferried me safely home to my front door.

Jesus has no body now on earth but ours. When we say ‘Yes Lord, Your servant is listening’, life becomes an energy-filled exciting adventure. No a dull moment, we will stumble on wonder upon wonder and every one of them true. 

Jesus is alive and He wants all of us be alive, right here, right now. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Divine, Jesus is God and He wants us, as the body of Christ, to be His real presence in the world.

‘No body ever said at the end of his/her days, “I have read my Bible too much, I have thought of God too much. I have prayed too much, I have been too concerned about my soul”. O NO! The people of God would always say, “Had I my life over again, I would walk far more closely with God”. (J.C.Ryle)

‘Work on becoming a beacon and you will be surprised how many wonderful things in life will come your way’. (Anthony De Stefano)

Friday, February 18, 2022

Storm Eunice ☔️

‘If life was predictable it would cease to be Life and be without flavour’. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

I awoke to no electricity, Storm Eunice touched down in the early hours. No heating, no morning tea. No mobile phone. No birds singing. Hailstones pelting my window. Bitterly cold.

I left it all behind and made my way to Holy Mass. young boy would be receiving sublime Sacrament of Confirmation and I looked forward to receiving infusion of Grace from wonderful Holy Spirit on this momentous day. Church in semi darkness, no lighting. No livestream either and no microphones. 

However, none of that mattered. Holy Mass in that sacred simple setting beyond beautiful. Holy Spirit, giver of Light and Life flooding our souls with His Heavenly Presence.

Afterwards, John and I supped hot tea in the only semi-dark cafe open. Having John in my life calls me higher. Eileen and I took a stroll in the unrelenting hailstones. My cats turned up for their supper. ๐Ÿˆ‍⬛ ๐Ÿˆ 

‘We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God’ (St. Frances de Sales)

‘May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit’. (Romans 15:13) 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Life is precious.๐ŸŒˆ

He strolls into Church at the end of Holy Mass this morning. Our first meeting since last December when he agreed to have Father Larry hear his Confession, momentous occasion. Twenty years had passed since his last Confession, he was so happy that day.

‘I’m dying’, he informs me gravely. We both stand in stunned silence for what seems like the longest time. ‘Are you praying my prayer every morning’, I ask. ‘Sometimes’, he replies. ‘Will you pray it every morning henceforward and we here in Church will pray for you at every Holy Mass and always’. ‘Yes’, he replies, joyfully receiving my words of  Heavenly hope. We ‘elbow’ in agreement. 

‘That is life’, he utters, smiling sadly, diamond tear glistening in his eye as he walks away from me. All day my heart is heavy with sadness. Only thirty seven years of age, his weathered face looking older and tired. Alcohol’s devastating damage done. 

His family in another country, his sister keeps in touch with him but mostly his short life is one of burnt bridges. Let us pray for my young friend K, he is depending on us. 

‘When I stop and remember that I am with You, Dear Lord, I don’t fear the currents. I conquer them by navigating through them in Your peace, and I come out of all storms unharmed. But without You, I would be just like a whale stuck on the beach at high tide, condemned to death’. (Umilta of Faenza)

Sunday, February 13, 2022

My skinny folder ๐Ÿ“‚

‘Eternal Trinity, make me a mirror of a good and Holy life. Help me stay awake. Don’t ever let me turn again to that miserable life I once led in the darkness, through no fault of Your own. I didn’t know Your truth then, so I didn’t love it. But I do now’. (St. Catherine of Siena)

‘With God, every moment is the moment of beginning again’. (Catherine Doherty)

Tadhg called early this morning inviting me to his upcoming ‘significant’ birthday bash. As we deliberated on the fleeting years and ravages of time, I told him about my life-folders. Fat one filled with bad decisions and poor choices. Rather skinny one filled with goodly decisions. 

‘The goal’, I told him - ‘is to ignore the fat folder from here on in and whenever possible, boost the skinny one’. I am not so much striving for perfection but growth. Our efforts, our choices and our decisions are extremely important. 

‘There is no room, you see, for putting things right when this life is over’. (St. Augustine) 

‘Your birthday gift will be a Holy Mass’, I told him before we went our separate ways, quite a while later. Smiling broadly he replied; ‘Thankyou very much. You are doing the skinny folder’. My life-folder tale obviously resonating with him. 

Bridie and I prayed Holy Rosary in the afternoon. Beyond remarkable and beautifully baffling that she is not able to partake in chitchat but when her rosary decade comes around, she glides away, seamlessly, fingering her beads with precision. At the close of our prayer time, we sing  ‘Hail Queen of Heaven’  her favourite hymn up and down the long years. Listening to Bridie never gets old.

I could have remained in that peaceful oasis forever, hard to tear myself away from Bridie’s presence permeated with the Gladsome Light of God. Simple abundance.

What a wonderful way to boost my skinny folder.

‘Every moment is preparation for the next moment, and all together, preparation for Eternity. Every moment is a time for following Christ on the path marked out for each one of us, so that the reality of ‘Eternal life’ may be the fire which continually reshapes us and reforms us’. (Fr. David May/Restoration)

As I penned the above, a glorious memory danced into my heart. My son Diarmuid, a little boy at the time, exclaiming joyously: ‘I feel like my soul ate a big burger’. What a turn of phrase and from a young child too. Perfectly portrays my superb afternoon.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

I know my Redeemer lives.☀️

Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life, in fear; rather look to them with full hope that, as they arise, God, whose you are, will deliver you out of them. He has kept you hitherto - do you but hold fast to His dear hand. He will lead you safely through all things; and when you cannot stand, He will bear you in His arms. 

Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today, will take care of you tomorrow, and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. 

Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations”. (St. Francis de Sales)

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Time changes everything. ⏰

Jake, friendly young man, ahead of me in the queue this morning, we exchanged pleasantries as always. Then, out of the blue, I asked; ‘Is today a good day to offer my prayer’. (Sometimes, my exasperating inability to think things through before blurting them out, really does work in my favour). Unless we have fire, we cannot inspire.

Jake;  ‘It could be’.

Me;    ‘Is it getting closer.....’

Jake;  ‘Might be’.

Me;    ‘So will I give you a prayer...,,’

Jake;  ‘Yes’.

Handing him my prayer he told me he would place it in his boat. I asked if I may give him another to place on his nightstand and pray every morning. He joyfully accepted. As we parted company he said meaningfully; ‘Thank you for enquiring’.

Thing is, last time I offered Jake my prayer, three years ago, he got quite irate. ‘No thanks’, he uttered forcefully - ‘I believe in nothing’, as he stormed off into the night.

Time changes EVERYTHING.

‘We are the aroma of Christ whenever we share with others the Love He has shared with us’.
 (2 Corinthians 2:15)

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Road trip. ๐Ÿš™

Loving our random road trips, Sheila and I, tradition for many years. Today, once again we headed off, no plan, no destination, open road before us. First stop Atlantic ocean, we simply must see the sea. Rolling waves, seagulls and myriad other birds having a whale of a time. (Poor pun๐Ÿคจ).  Our lungs replenished with the finest fresh air, thanking God from our deepest hearts for health, well-being and so much more besides.

‘Every breath we draw is a gift of His Love. Every moment of existence is a Grace’. (Thomas Merton)

As always, I picked pretty stones to write Bible verses on for my front porch. I love beach stones, myriad shades, sizes and shapes to choose from. Endless.

We ate in the only restaurant open for miles around, February still deep winter in these parts. My meal, tasteless to say the least, inedible if I may be totally frank. Sheila’s meal very good. Young man serving us extremely pleasant. Not Irish, many miles from home, he seemed happy to chat with someone, anyone.  Lonesome, and when I asked if he ever prayed, he promptly informed me that he did not believe in God, his Dad an atheist and probably his Mam too. He did get Christened though but that was simply tradition. (One day he will realise the enormity of his Baptismal Gift.)

After some time and lots of chat, I offered him my prayer. He accepted, maybe only because he was too gracious to refuse. Fine by me, any reason is good. ‘Just say it every morning’, I gently suggested. 

Twenty three years of age and it seemed to me that nobody ever mentioned let alone witnessed about Jesus to that young man in his entire life. As we talked, I could see him become interested, eager to hear more, joyful even. When I told him that my prayer was love and not duty, he replied beaming; ‘Thank you very much. There is a message in that’. 

If I can help even one person feel a little less pain, then my living will not be in vain.

My miserable meal worth every penny. I asked for a box and took it home to Jim ๐Ÿˆ. He was well pleased.

‘Those who have come into genuine contact with Jesus Christ cannot keep Him for themselves, they must proclaim Him’. (St. Pope John Paul)

‘Jesus says; “I will fill up your desire with Myself and that is how I will make you glad forever”.
(St. Gertrude the Great)

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Feast of Saint Brigid. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช

Dear friend Daniel making St. Brigid Crosses, on this her Feast day, (mine too!) speaks a thousand words in this our day and time. No need to add any of my own.......

‘Winter has not done with us yet but the listening heart has caught a far away sound on the wind and Hope will no longer be denied’. (Patience Strong)