Monday, February 28, 2022

To do Your Will is my desire.☀️

Latin Holy Mass in Saints Peter and Paul’s Church this morning in Cork city. Sacrosanct Sacred space. Afterwards I chatted with some homeless folk, sharing my prayer and widow’s mite. Joy of being able to buy beef sandwich for hungry man sitting on cold ground, very great privilege indeed. Freely we have received, freely we give.

On bus home, driver refused young man entry as his ticket was valid for later bus. Young man visibly upset explained pleadingly that he would be late for work if he was not allowed travel. Driver was adamant. I stood with young man, bank card in hand offering to pay his fare and driver, tad shamed, waved him on the bus. 

Seeing the relief on the young man’s face made me smile and thank God from my deepest heart. I might just as easily have got a later bus and missed a golden opportunity. On a different occasion when I offered to help pay someone’s fare, driver reacted the exact same way. Let us always stand up for the underdog, never judging, always sharing.

Just one story from a day of many tales, happy and sad. We are living in terrible times. Let us pray without ceasing all the while doing everything in our power to help anyone and everyone in need. That way we will not be found wanting no matter what comes to pass. Let us keep busy for the Lord.

‘It is not that I want merely to be called a Christian, but to actually be one. Yes, if I prove to be one, then I can have the name’. (St. Ignatius of Antioch)

When I handed George from Romania a picture of our Blessed Mother, he cried and cried. ‘I had a step mother - not good’, he told me in his anguish. ‘Now you have Mother Mary. She is your real Mother and she will mind you forever’, I told him. His beautiful smile burst forth as his tears fell freely. Sublime moment in time.

The Creator of the starry skies smiles sweetly at you, O fairest of all women, and you return His smile in triumphant peace. I know that with God smiling at His sweet Mother, the grim powers of evil are already defeated’. ( Dom Anscar Vonier O.S.B.)

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