Sunday, February 6, 2022

Time changes everything. ⏰

Jake, friendly young man, ahead of me in the queue this morning, we exchanged pleasantries as always. Then, out of the blue, I asked; ‘Is today a good day to offer my prayer’. (Sometimes, my exasperating inability to think things through before blurting them out, really does work in my favour). Unless we have fire, we cannot inspire.

Jake;  ‘It could be’.

Me;    ‘Is it getting closer.....’

Jake;  ‘Might be’.

Me;    ‘So will I give you a prayer...,,’

Jake;  ‘Yes’.

Handing him my prayer he told me he would place it in his boat. I asked if I may give him another to place on his nightstand and pray every morning. He joyfully accepted. As we parted company he said meaningfully; ‘Thank you for enquiring’.

Thing is, last time I offered Jake my prayer, three years ago, he got quite irate. ‘No thanks’, he uttered forcefully - ‘I believe in nothing’, as he stormed off into the night.

Time changes EVERYTHING.

‘We are the aroma of Christ whenever we share with others the Love He has shared with us’.
 (2 Corinthians 2:15)

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