Sunday, February 20, 2022

Come Lord Jesus.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline’.                      (2Timothy 1:7)

Sunday morning, howling wind, torrential rain, blizzard blowing. I arrived for Holy Mass soaked through, apologising to the only man in the pew for the health risk I posed as water plopped onto the floor from my sodden coat. I recognised him, he did not recognise me and I was acutely aware that a mammoth cross rests on his harried shoulders at this time, his suffering very great. No wonder Holy Spirit prompted me to take a prayer in my pocket before leaving my cozy home. At the time it seemed like the craziest request ever, given weather conditions outside, but now the plot was unfolding right before my very eyes.

How could I possibly offer him a prayer though in that setting without embarrassing the poor man and totally humiliating myself into the bargain! I would give one to his aunt when I met her, or perhaps to his daughter’s friend I told myself. Still, peace eluded me, I was not convinced.

Just as the final hymn ‘How Great Thou art’ was being sung,  my heart began to race. That same old nervous feeling I’ve come to know so well every time I’m about to approach somebody with my prayer. Without further ado, I uttered ‘Have a nice day, may I share my prayer with you’. He accepted quietly, he smiled. 

Instantaneously my racing heart relaxed, perfect peace restored. Holy Spirit is so gracious, God’s command is really and truly His enabling.

‘He who assists a brother in need holds Jesus by the Hand’. (Venerable Thomas A Kempis)

After Holy Mass, Dermot and I chatted for a while and then out of the blue he said, laughing; ‘The Holy Spirit just told me to drive you home, you are wet enough already’. 

Later, Bridie and I prayed Holy Rosary in St. Anne’s. Joy of all joys. On the way home a violent gust of wind swept me off my feet and when once again on terra firma, Pauline ‘just happened’ to be driving by and kindly ferried me safely home to my front door.

Jesus has no body now on earth but ours. When we say ‘Yes Lord, Your servant is listening’, life becomes an energy-filled exciting adventure. No a dull moment, we will stumble on wonder upon wonder and every one of them true. 

Jesus is alive and He wants all of us be alive, right here, right now. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Divine, Jesus is God and He wants us, as the body of Christ, to be His real presence in the world.

‘No body ever said at the end of his/her days, “I have read my Bible too much, I have thought of God too much. I have prayed too much, I have been too concerned about my soul”. O NO! The people of God would always say, “Had I my life over again, I would walk far more closely with God”. (J.C.Ryle)

‘Work on becoming a beacon and you will be surprised how many wonderful things in life will come your way’. (Anthony De Stefano)

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