Friday, February 24, 2023

Circle of life ⭕️ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

‘If we are generous in giving time to Prayer, we will experience it’s benefits throughout our life. Prayer is the light of the soul giving us true knowledge of God’. (St. John Chrysostom)

Every day of my life here on God’s green earth, myriad magnificent encounters as I journey onwards sharing my prayer. No way of recounting all of them but each and every one precious, safe and secure for posterity in my deepest heart.

Yesterday on my way from St. Anne’s Holy Rosary, dainty lady dragging shopping trolley behind her as she strolled along. She had the most incredibly beautiful smile and so we stopped to chat. After a while I asked if she would like a prayer: ‘Yes please’, she replied in gentle broken english and then gazing on it added, smiling even more: ‘The boy I care for has one of these and now I have my own’.

Two weeks ago that beautiful boy and I chatted in Centra shop. He read my prayer without prompt and told me he would pray it every morning. Oftentimes coming up to that day, I would wish with all my heart to chat with him but was never sure how to go about it.

My wonderful prayer from Almighty God opens many doors. His timing always perfect!!

‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord’. (Isaiah 55:8)

Right now, on my way to live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church I chatted with a young man fixing his car. Cars are his passion, this is his ninth!! I asked if he still had my prayer from a few years ago and he replied: ‘I do. It is in my car. My Nan always gave me prayers and I kept them all’. 

‘What if you go a step further and pray it every morning’, I ask him - ‘and all of Heaven will be minding you all the time’. His reply was beautiful: ‘I will, thank you very much’. We shook hands to seal the deal.๐Ÿ“ฟ

No way could I ever have envisaged this outcome when this affable young man accepted my prayer way back then. We don’t ever know what God knows!!

The young girl I met in the city a few days ago dances into my heart. Her words:‘Never underestimate what Grandparents can do!’

Dearest Mother Mary be with us on our way. For all you ways are beautiful and all your paths are peace. Amen.๐ŸŒบ❤️

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Imagine there’s no hate!๐ŸŽ†

‘By being a light, adventuresome, joyous, glad, simple, humble, taking on the little things, they become big because they are done for God’. (Catherine Doherty)

Above prayer tucked in ancient Bible in Adoration Chapel. After photographing it, I put it on vivid display for all to see. Comforting words much needed in this our day and time.

Mary had an appointment in the city so I tagged along to keep her company, perhaps share my prayer too which I did in abundance. Young guy in Train station, two joyous elderly ladies in Charity shop whose husbands endure Alzheimer’s and M.E. Folk in Adoration Chapel including young girl who loves Jesus with all her heart. She took some prayers for friends too. Lady in Boots who sold me my hairdryer! Not a single refusal the whole day.

Tea and messy buns with Fiona and my grandchildren. Saoirse just started Secondary school, Aoife not far behind, and both pray my prayer every morning before school. To know and believe without question or doubt that my girls are being minded by all of Heaven every day of their lives, no matter what life throws at them, propels me forward in this, my prayer-sharing vocation from God’s Holy Hands. Reaching out to as many as I possibly can is the deepest desire of my heart. 

‘IMAGINE THERE’S NO HATE’,  written in block capitals on back of the young girl’s t-shirt who served us. IMAGINE!!!

As night began to fall in the city we shared my prayer and offerings with our homeless brothers and sisters lost in plain sight on inhospitable pavements. Their plight upsets me greatly but I love with all my heart spending time in their company. How they survive even one night perplexing and distressing and yet they do. Cruel addiction robs folk of everything. 

One guy playing tin whistle took my payer and said laughingly: ‘That’s double minding for me coz the fairies are minding me too’. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Heading home once more, as I pray Holy Rosary on comfortable cozy bus. Splendid fun-filled day, not a single dull moment.☀️

In the words of our dearly departed Pope Benedict Emeritus: ‘I knew that I should give thanks, and the fundamental feeling is gratitude’.

‘Let us, dearly beloved, be childlike. Let us be a burning bush that constantly lights the path of those who seek Him’. ( Catherine Doherty)

‘To share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house. Then thou shall call and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, “Here I am”. (Isaiah 58:6&9)

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Beautiful Sunday๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŒบ

‘The most beautiful gift you can give Me is your joy in serving Me’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He&I)

My friend gifted me ‘joyful explosion of colour’ cushions, simply superb. I offered one to Jake and instantly I was catapulted back in time to a memory from at least fifteen years ago. One thing always renews another!

I dearly loved to sit and chat with Paddy, client in psychiatric unit where I worked for a time. One afternoon I was shocked and deeply saddened seeing Paddy resting his head on the hard radiator by his bed as he dozed. I gently got him to place his pillow beneath his head and as he settled back down again I vividly recall his beautiful smile, shining like a thousand suns. From that moment onwards, Paddy never again rested his head on the hard radiator without the comfort of his soft pillow every time. God rest your gentle soul, dear Paddy. 

Like Paddy, Jake too would never consider placing his poor head on a cushion. Cruel anxiety takes up much of Jake’s waking moments allowing him little enough time to consider his own comfort. What a privilege then it is for me to be the bearer of ease for the hurting head of another.

On my way with Jake’s cushion I met Molly ambling along on her walking sticks. ‘I need to be more brave’, she told me sadly. I shared with her what Holy Spirit whispered one time into my heart, in a moment of weakness: ‘How can I give you more courage if you do not use the courage already in your heart’. Mary’s eyes lit up. ‘Thank you for that’, she uttered. 

A little further on Margaret told me she still has my prayer in her bag and will hang on to it - just in case!! (Of what, I’m not sure๐Ÿคจ)

To be the Hands and Feet of Christ. Nothing better in the whole wide world!!

My dear nephew Tim forwarded Dolly Parton’s song ‘Wild flowers’ on WhatsApp. Lyrics remind him of me he writes! Compliment extraordinaire.☀️

‘I hitched a ride with the wind and since he was my friend, I just let him decide where we’d go. When a flower grows wild it can always survive, wild flowers don’t care where they grow’.๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ

Singing along, copious tears for my dear Katy, Ukraine, Paddy, Jake and everyone of us, flowing freely from my eyes. Happy tears too though, as I thanked Father God from my deepest heart for simple abundance, each and every moment of my life.

‘Some are afraid that I’ll ask too much of them. If they only knew how happy they would be in giving me everything in complete and joyous surrender’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He&I) 

              ‘Lord, I throw my life at Your feet and sing and sing that I give You such a little thing’. 
                          (Catherine Doherty)

Friday, February 10, 2023

Three Polish guys๐ŸŽ†

Come Holy Spirit, fill our minds with Your truth. Fill our hearts with Your love. Amen.

Back in 2017 on top of myriad other stuff needed doing in my little cottage, water tank began to leak all over the flat roof. Not good!! One night, at the end of my tether with worry, I asked Holy Spirit if He would please shine His gladsome light on my deepening dilemma. I awoke early next morning with the words ‘Ask Polish’, on my lips. Simple as that! ‘The Grace of the Holy Spirit knows no delay’. (St. Ambrose)

Sure enough, on my way home from Holy Mass three Polish guys came strolling along deep in conversation and next day they fixed my water tank. Of course they were surprised at my request and oftentimes we laugh in wonder at how our friendship saga came to be - Three Polish guys and a Kerry grandmother. 

Back then they would laugh whenever I offered my prayer but with the passage of time and visitation of serious illness, nowadays they pray it, grateful to God for their returning health. However, they still laugh when I sprinkle Holy Water on them every time they leave my home. 

My little kitchen and compact bathroom are tiled, lots of other stuff attended to too. Some hiccups along the way but in the end all turned out just splendid Thank God. Decent guys who mean the world to me.

Thank you Holy Spirit for your much needed guidance back then and every morning of my life without fail. You are my primary and constant companion and guide.

‘How wonderful it is to be poor. To await all from God’. (St. Jeanne Jugan)

Cocoa and tiles.☀️

‘Let me hear in the morning of Thy steadfast love, for in Thee I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to Thee I lift up my soul’. (Psalm 143:8)
‘The Holy Spirit is Love, Beauty, Power, Wisdom, Purity, and all else that is of God. If he descend in plenitude, every need can be met and the most grievous problem can be brought into conformity with the Divine Will. The man who thus makes the Holy Spirit his helper enters into the tide of Omnipotence’. 
(Frank Duff)