Friday, February 10, 2023

Three Polish guys๐ŸŽ†

Come Holy Spirit, fill our minds with Your truth. Fill our hearts with Your love. Amen.

Back in 2017 on top of myriad other stuff needed doing in my little cottage, water tank began to leak all over the flat roof. Not good!! One night, at the end of my tether with worry, I asked Holy Spirit if He would please shine His gladsome light on my deepening dilemma. I awoke early next morning with the words ‘Ask Polish’, on my lips. Simple as that! ‘The Grace of the Holy Spirit knows no delay’. (St. Ambrose)

Sure enough, on my way home from Holy Mass three Polish guys came strolling along deep in conversation and next day they fixed my water tank. Of course they were surprised at my request and oftentimes we laugh in wonder at how our friendship saga came to be - Three Polish guys and a Kerry grandmother. 

Back then they would laugh whenever I offered my prayer but with the passage of time and visitation of serious illness, nowadays they pray it, grateful to God for their returning health. However, they still laugh when I sprinkle Holy Water on them every time they leave my home. 

My little kitchen and compact bathroom are tiled, lots of other stuff attended to too. Some hiccups along the way but in the end all turned out just splendid Thank God. Decent guys who mean the world to me.

Thank you Holy Spirit for your much needed guidance back then and every morning of my life without fail. You are my primary and constant companion and guide.

‘How wonderful it is to be poor. To await all from God’. (St. Jeanne Jugan)

Cocoa and tiles.☀️

‘Let me hear in the morning of Thy steadfast love, for in Thee I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to Thee I lift up my soul’. (Psalm 143:8)
‘The Holy Spirit is Love, Beauty, Power, Wisdom, Purity, and all else that is of God. If he descend in plenitude, every need can be met and the most grievous problem can be brought into conformity with the Divine Will. The man who thus makes the Holy Spirit his helper enters into the tide of Omnipotence’. 
(Frank Duff)

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