Sunday, February 19, 2023

Beautiful Sunday🙏🏻🌺

‘The most beautiful gift you can give Me is your joy in serving Me’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He&I)

My friend gifted me ‘joyful explosion of colour’ cushions, simply superb. I offered one to Jake and instantly I was catapulted back in time to a memory from at least fifteen years ago. One thing always renews another!

I dearly loved to sit and chat with Paddy, client in psychiatric unit where I worked for a time. One afternoon I was shocked and deeply saddened seeing Paddy resting his head on the hard radiator by his bed as he dozed. I gently got him to place his pillow beneath his head and as he settled back down again I vividly recall his beautiful smile, shining like a thousand suns. From that moment onwards, Paddy never again rested his head on the hard radiator without the comfort of his soft pillow every time. God rest your gentle soul, dear Paddy. 

Like Paddy, Jake too would never consider placing his poor head on a cushion. Cruel anxiety takes up much of Jake’s waking moments allowing him little enough time to consider his own comfort. What a privilege then it is for me to be the bearer of ease for the hurting head of another.

On my way with Jake’s cushion I met Molly ambling along on her walking sticks. ‘I need to be more brave’, she told me sadly. I shared with her what Holy Spirit whispered one time into my heart, in a moment of weakness: ‘How can I give you more courage if you do not use the courage already in your heart’. Mary’s eyes lit up. ‘Thank you for that’, she uttered. 

A little further on Margaret told me she still has my prayer in her bag and will hang on to it - just in case!! (Of what, I’m not sure🤨)

To be the Hands and Feet of Christ. Nothing better in the whole wide world!!

My dear nephew Tim forwarded Dolly Parton’s song ‘Wild flowers’ on WhatsApp. Lyrics remind him of me he writes! Compliment extraordinaire.☀️

‘I hitched a ride with the wind and since he was my friend, I just let him decide where we’d go. When a flower grows wild it can always survive, wild flowers don’t care where they grow’.🎶🎶

Singing along, copious tears for my dear Katy, Ukraine, Paddy, Jake and everyone of us, flowing freely from my eyes. Happy tears too though, as I thanked Father God from my deepest heart for simple abundance, each and every moment of my life.

‘Some are afraid that I’ll ask too much of them. If they only knew how happy they would be in giving me everything in complete and joyous surrender’. (Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis/He&I) 

              ‘Lord, I throw my life at Your feet and sing and sing that I give You such a little thing’. 
                          (Catherine Doherty)

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