Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Imagine there’s no hate!๐ŸŽ†

‘By being a light, adventuresome, joyous, glad, simple, humble, taking on the little things, they become big because they are done for God’. (Catherine Doherty)

Above prayer tucked in ancient Bible in Adoration Chapel. After photographing it, I put it on vivid display for all to see. Comforting words much needed in this our day and time.

Mary had an appointment in the city so I tagged along to keep her company, perhaps share my prayer too which I did in abundance. Young guy in Train station, two joyous elderly ladies in Charity shop whose husbands endure Alzheimer’s and M.E. Folk in Adoration Chapel including young girl who loves Jesus with all her heart. She took some prayers for friends too. Lady in Boots who sold me my hairdryer! Not a single refusal the whole day.

Tea and messy buns with Fiona and my grandchildren. Saoirse just started Secondary school, Aoife not far behind, and both pray my prayer every morning before school. To know and believe without question or doubt that my girls are being minded by all of Heaven every day of their lives, no matter what life throws at them, propels me forward in this, my prayer-sharing vocation from God’s Holy Hands. Reaching out to as many as I possibly can is the deepest desire of my heart. 

‘IMAGINE THERE’S NO HATE’,  written in block capitals on back of the young girl’s t-shirt who served us. IMAGINE!!!

As night began to fall in the city we shared my prayer and offerings with our homeless brothers and sisters lost in plain sight on inhospitable pavements. Their plight upsets me greatly but I love with all my heart spending time in their company. How they survive even one night perplexing and distressing and yet they do. Cruel addiction robs folk of everything. 

One guy playing tin whistle took my payer and said laughingly: ‘That’s double minding for me coz the fairies are minding me too’. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Heading home once more, as I pray Holy Rosary on comfortable cozy bus. Splendid fun-filled day, not a single dull moment.☀️

In the words of our dearly departed Pope Benedict Emeritus: ‘I knew that I should give thanks, and the fundamental feeling is gratitude’.

‘Let us, dearly beloved, be childlike. Let us be a burning bush that constantly lights the path of those who seek Him’. ( Catherine Doherty)

‘To share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house. Then thou shall call and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, “Here I am”. (Isaiah 58:6&9)

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