Friday, February 24, 2023

Circle of life ⭕️ πŸ™πŸ»

‘If we are generous in giving time to Prayer, we will experience it’s benefits throughout our life. Prayer is the light of the soul giving us true knowledge of God’. (St. John Chrysostom)

Every day of my life here on God’s green earth, myriad magnificent encounters as I journey onwards sharing my prayer. No way of recounting all of them but each and every one precious, safe and secure for posterity in my deepest heart.

Yesterday on my way from St. Anne’s Holy Rosary, dainty lady dragging shopping trolley behind her as she strolled along. She had the most incredibly beautiful smile and so we stopped to chat. After a while I asked if she would like a prayer: ‘Yes please’, she replied in gentle broken english and then gazing on it added, smiling even more: ‘The boy I care for has one of these and now I have my own’.

Two weeks ago that beautiful boy and I chatted in Centra shop. He read my prayer without prompt and told me he would pray it every morning. Oftentimes coming up to that day, I would wish with all my heart to chat with him but was never sure how to go about it.

My wonderful prayer from Almighty God opens many doors. His timing always perfect!!

‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord’. (Isaiah 55:8)

Right now, on my way to live-streamed Holy Rosary in Church I chatted with a young man fixing his car. Cars are his passion, this is his ninth!! I asked if he still had my prayer from a few years ago and he replied: ‘I do. It is in my car. My Nan always gave me prayers and I kept them all’. 

‘What if you go a step further and pray it every morning’, I ask him - ‘and all of Heaven will be minding you all the time’. His reply was beautiful: ‘I will, thank you very much’. We shook hands to seal the deal.πŸ“Ώ

No way could I ever have envisaged this outcome when this affable young man accepted my prayer way back then. We don’t ever know what God knows!!

The young girl I met in the city a few days ago dances into my heart. Her words:‘Never underestimate what Grandparents can do!’

Dearest Mother Mary be with us on our way. For all you ways are beautiful and all your paths are peace. Amen.🌺❤️

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