Thursday, March 2, 2023

What would Jesus do?❤️

‘From the fullness of Grace we have all received one blessing after another’. (John 1:16)

This morning after Holy Mass I was privileged to take Holy Eucharist to a lady who is unable to leave her home right now. Lovely lady carrying her cross radiantly, never once complaining. This evening too I took Holy Eucharist to a housebound gentleman. How could I ever articulate how blessed I feel to be entrusted by God with such Sacred assignments.

When I arrived in Church to pray 3PM Live-streamed Holy Rosary some people were seated right in front of Holy alter. I approached them as I always do and beautiful encounter came to pass. Unforgettable family of five from France, stopping in our town for a brief spell. When I told them that all of Heaven will be minding them every single day as they pray my prayer every morning, the young boy beaming held his prayer up declaring: ‘I’m keeping this’.๐Ÿ˜„ Beautiful family remaining devoutly in Church until the end of Holy Rosary, unable to participate but joyfully aware how blessed they were to be in this sacred sacrosanct space.๐Ÿ“ฟ

On way home I met Olga. We danced with delight like we always do when we meet. Her husband and son are both back home in Ukraine fighting for their homeland, she told me sadly. What a blessing for me to know and pray with many of our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in this our day and time.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

This evening, workman apologises for parking his rather imposing white van right outside my front door rendering pathway to my starving bird’s feeder almost unreachable. I share with him a memory from my childhood. Our stored up memories can spring to life and blossom at the most unexpected moments.

My Dad, father to eight children, fishing for lobster and another fisherman noticing how lucrative my Dad’s catch was, strategically placed his own lobster pots right next to my Dad’s. When somebody mentioned to my Dad how mean it seemed, Dad replied: “There’s plenty of room in the sea for all of us”.

 ‘Well put! He was a wise man”, uttered workman smiling. He was not expecting my tale, I could tell.

Yes indeed there is enough room in the world for all of us. We own nothing. All is ๐ŸŽ 

My ravenous birds got fed for sure. We only need ask ourselves at all times: What would Jesus do?❤️

‘So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets’. Matthew 7-12)

‘Jesus came to earth to bring mercy and salvation to all people. Now that He has ascended into Heaven, He expects us, who have called upon Him in our need, to pay forward the help we have received from Him’. (From Magnificat magazine)

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