Friday, March 17, 2023

☘️ St. Patrick’s day in Prague.πŸ™πŸ»

O my Lord Jesus, You became poor to enrich us with Your poverty. Grant that we may never forget the poor and all those who suffer. Amen

We visited magnificent Church of Our Lady of Victories, home to famed Jesus of Prague statue. Divinely delightful. I purchased Child of Prague fridge magnets in shop next door. 

Irish pub in full St. Patrick’s day celebrations. Friendly young guy serving us, graciously refused my prayer: ‘It would be wasted on me. Thank you anyway’. (First refusal). Chatting with lovely guy sat next to us, (in Prague for Stag party), he refused my prayer too. (Second refusal). I told him though that his would be in my ‘most delightful refusal’ category, our encounter upbeat and enjoyable. Many laughs!!

Wonderful encounter too with affable handsome young guy who yet again furnished us with directions (Mary and I spent the whole week lost). He works in the Cannabis industry and he really loved my prayer…(First acceptance). Lovely guy working in hotel loved my prayer: (Second acceptance). Pretty blond lady in different hotel said when I asked if she ever prayed: ‘No but I could if you told me how. (Third acceptance). Taxi driver loved my prayer showing me a picture of Jesus he always keeps in his cab. (Fourth acceptance).

Moral of the story: Begin again!!

Mary bought takeaway cup of tea for homeless man and the ultra posh restaurant charged her 20€. Most expensive cup of tea ever. Poor little rich folk!!

Thank you dear Guardian Angel for always minding me. Oftentimes I did not see that oncoming tram but you kept me safe every time….

Thank you Saint Patrick, dear Saint of our Isle. Splendid day was had in this beautiful city of Prague.

‘Undertake courageously great tasks for God’s glory, to the extent that He’ll give you power and grace for this purpose. Even though you can do nothing on your own, you can do all things in Him. His help will never fail you if you have confidence in His goodness’. (St. John Eudes)

‘Stop trying to fill your life up. Stop grasping and grabbing. Give what you’ve been given and you will be happy’. (Bishop Robert Barron)

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